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Friday, October 19, 2012

That's The Obama I Voted For!

I am sick and tired of politics!

Over the last couple of years, there has been a lot of tension over politics, and that division has intruded into my relationship with family and friends -- particularly now with the upcoming election.

In 2008, I voted for Obama. That was my right -- I am a good person and I voted for him for good reasons. But that decision has created stress between some of us, and that has been hurtful. Yes, sometimes I have thrown Obama in your face and I am sorry about that -- I truly am.

Here is the thing. I don't think you are stupid because you voted for McCain in '08, and I'm not stupid because I voted for Barack Obama. We both want our country to go in the right direction, but we just have a difference of opinion as to what that direction is, and I'm entitled to my opinion.

I didn't vote for Obama because of all the "hope and change" stuff. I voted for him because I could relate to him on so many levels and I trusted him. If this guy were my neighbor, I would give him the key to my house. I admire the fact that from his very difficult childhood and struggles rose a candidate for president of the Untied States -- and an African-American with an unusual name!

I could relate to his desire to help people who most need it, to help the poor and elderly, children without medical care, and women in need. It seems like Republicans want to cut the important things people need most, and help the rich get richer. I feel like Republicans think Obama supporters are stupid.

I was excited that Obama was going to end the policies of George Bush. I have to tell you, I really didn't like George Bush, and though I still feel that way about him, after four years it's not as clear to me why.

But Obama against McCain, that was easy. Obama is more like me, energetic, young, loves his family.

I got a glimpse of the Obama motorcade on arrival for the debates here in Denver, and that was cool -- though it held up a lot of traffic, which was not cool.

I watched this year's first presidential debate closely and was disappointed in Obama. I found him depressing.

However, the Barack Obama I saw in the second debate the other night is the Obama I voted for in '08!

He was "hitting on all cylinders" as Dad would say ... but he wouldn't about Obama, would he. ;-)

I woke up Wednesday morning feeling invigorated. I had a chance to talk about the debate with friends, and some agreed with me. That was "the real Obama" seemed to be the consensus, but my two best friends didn't share my enthusiasm.

Later in the day, I ran into some friends who agreed that Obama won the debate -- but they had some harsh criticism. One of my colleagues at the University said to me that she felt betrayed, like she had been tricked into voting for Obama the first time. A guy friend was much more callous, saying that he was now convinced that Obama was a phony and a liar.

These two people were Obama's biggest fans in '08. Did they watch the same debate I watched Tuesday?

Last night I had the uneasy feeling that something wasn't right, something was out of place. After all the good vibes with the debate, I now find myself wondering if Obama was sincere, or if what I heard was just talk aimed at "emotional women," like I'm not smart enough to vote on what I think rather than how I feel.

And the more I think about all his comments Tuesday night, against the backdrop of the reality that things have gotten much worse in the last four years, not better as he seemed to claim, I'm not sure I trust Obama anymore. I'm more concerned now than I was in '08.

I think that Obama is still a good person and he wanted to do good things, but I'm bothered by the fact that he didn't take responsibility for where our economy is now. That troubles me the most. It seems like he hasn't grown into the job and hasn't done much of anything he said he would do, and he's still blaming George Bush. Meanwhile, the number of unemployed citizens and poor families has grown a lot.

So why am I writing you?

I know Mitt Romney is a genuine person who really does love his family, who really does care about people from all walks of life. Part of me doesn't like the fact that part of me likes Romney! I am conflicted. I'm not writing to say that I am voting for Romney, but I have decided not to vote for Obama.

Don't tell Dad or I'll never hear the end of it!



  1. Scary! So, now, is she not going to vote or is she going to toss her vote to a third party?

  2. That statement took a long time just to simply say I made a mistake the first time and I won't be doing it again.

  3. Karen, You aren't the only person who feels that way. There are propbably millions like you. I encourage you to please vote. It is important that a message is sent loud and clear, no matter what that message is. How loud was the message in 2008? There was another sent to democrats in 2010 and it is time for another one. If you aren't in the political weeds like me, you could have been easily swayed by what Barrack Obama represented or what you thought he represented. I firmly believe that he has not been honest from the start. Most of who he is is secret. After all of the campaigning, we still know very little about who he is and what he really believes. He almost seems like an advertisement. I mean like a media created image. I almost feel like he isn't a real person. I see him standing there but everything that voters hear is something prepared ahead of time. He had to use a teleprompter for remarks to 6th graders. I have dozens of friends that fell for the same trap. All americans should be concerned with Barrack Obama's World view and the people in his life that have helped shape the person he is. You may not have liked George Bush but just give me the names of people around him that were communists or radicals. I can provide Obama's list.

  4. Not only is Karen dumb she is blind !!

  5. If you want a better life for the next four years than "you go girl" cast your vote for Romney. It appears that your Dad is a wise man so don't let the apple fall to far from the tree. It doesn't take much of an IQ to know that our current President has taken this country to near ruin. Just ask your self why wasn't he fully vetted prior to the last election and what back ground did he have that made him commander & cheif. Hell he has never even had a job and it sure shows by all the investment that have been made only to fail. Just ask the non-union employees from the GM bailout who lost their health benifits and most of their pensions who they are going to vote for. This country will never see the day when we are paid back and besides a lot of the GM cars are made over seas. Hope & Change has turned into doom & gloom. Just look at the facts and then make your decision!

  6. They both lied about statistics during the interview .
    Don't trust either of them. Not much choice left , huh.

  7. Karen: Don't listen to some of the Forrest Gump statements above. You vote according to your convictions. If you want your hard earned money redistributed and want the govt to tell you what to do in all areas of your life then its simple ... vote for Obama. If not Romney. A truism is "not voting or a vote for anyone other than Romney is a vote for Obama. Its down to two persons ... vote for one of them.


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