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Friday, October 19, 2012


ANNAPOLIS, MD (October 19, 2012) – Governor Martin O’Malley today released the following statement on the U.S. Department of Labor’s release of preliminary employment data for the month of September:
"Last month, Marylanders created 9,800 new jobs – the single greatest month of job creation in 29 months and the result of a thriving private sector that created 98 percent of all new jobs in September. Together, we’ve driven our unemployment rate down to 6.9 percent, which remains 12 percent below the national average. This past year, we’ve created 25,500 new jobs and to date, Maryland has recovered over three-quarters of the jobs we’ve lost during the Bush recession.

“Thanks to choices we've made together, Maryland remains a leader in one of the nation's strongest job growth regions. Our economy continues to grow and our indicators of economic strength show signs of a strong recovery. This week, we announced that Maryland’s unemployment tax rate will drop by as much as 55 percent for our businesses –keeping even more of our families working. Our private sector continues to create jobs, and as the hub of growing innovation sectors like cyber security, information technology and aerospace, we continue to prove that we are on the cutting edge of the next wave of job creation.”


  1. The Bush recession? He forgot that the Democrats took control of Congress in 2006. He is a spitting image of Obama, still blaming Bush.

  2. Yea sure Omalleybama. I lost my state job so you could fund some sort of baloney program.

  3. The public's complacency has set in. Both O'Malley and Obama continually pull the wool over the public's eye by reporting the employment situation in "jobs created" not "unemployment", which was the tried and true measure for decades. The catch is the US and Maryland population is growing. You have to add jobs just to stay even.

    O'Malley and Obama bragging about the jobs that were created is like the Captain of the Titanic boasting that the bulge pumps had pumped 9,800 gallon of water. Big wip. We all know where that story ended up. Let's send these has-beens packing.

  4. This is all disinformation. We know perfectly well that the jobs have not been recovered.

    SBYnews needs to republish our Tri County's factory closing list so that the people can see for themselves that things have gotton worse.

    Let the facts speak for themselves.


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