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Monday, October 15, 2012


The Obama campaign and their media minions would have had us believe that Martha Raddatz truly was non-partisan even after the Daily Caller revealed that Obama had attended her wedding to Julius Genachowski in 1991. The lame excuse that was given was that she is no longer married to Genachowski.

Right. Now information has come to light that Raddatz visited Vice President Joe Biden at his official residence earlier this year, on March 26, 2012. Biden was hosting a "Women's History Month Reception."
In addition, Raddatz visited the White House on December 18, 2009. The reason for that visit isn’t clear, but one thing is clear; Raddatz is not the innocent non-partisan journalist  she was made out to be, and her performance last night in attacking Paul Ryan consistently betrayed that fact.


  1. Ryan was attacked? LOL. This must come from the "'what books do you read' is gotcha journalism" crowd.

  2. As I stated when the first article came out on this site about her attending the wedding, if it were the other way around Democrats would be squealing like little girls about this. Romney/Ryan would be considered the biggest cheats and blasted for it. But since it's pro-Obama then this is fine.

  3. After this election, there needs to be mandated reform in the main stream media.
    It is obviously a conspiracy or democratic coup.

    Equal time must be dictated and if you think there is a slant, do not spend money with advertisers on Democratic TV channels or news outlets.
    Communism is creeping it's way into America.


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