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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Post-ABC Tracking Poll: Romney 49 Percent, Obama 48

The new Washington Post-ABC News national tracking poll has 49 percent of likely voters supporting Republican Mitt Romney, and 48 percent President Obama, a seesawing result that shows the continued narrowness of the contest.
The change from yesterday’s Post-ABC tracking poll, which showed the race 49 to 48 percent the other way, is statistically insignificant, and the numbers do not include any public reaction to the third and final presidential debate Monday night. Almost all of Monday’s interviews were conducted before the debate started.


  1. We could bust our butts off on the election and for no reason at all.
    The electoral college will select who they want. DO AWAY WITH THIS BS PANEL>

  2. 7:27-Absolutely.I'm glad I can remain anonymous on this site because I have strong opinions about the Electoral College.In 2000 Al Gore lost because of them.9-11 might possibly not have occurred if Gore had been elected and we may have averted 2 wars.

  3. Wars are very profitable for companies like Blackwater, Haliburton, Lockheed Martin, just to name a few. This country has been in more wars, in the name of peace, than any other country on earth.

  4. Wow. the freaks come out at night.

  5. 741-Yeah...the same Al Gore who watched multiple embassies get bombed and who's Administration did nothing? Same Administration that said Saddam had WMDs? lol, foolish fool

  6. Romney is going to win. Now the goal is to put him over with enough electorial college votes so that a vote recount/fraud suit initiated by the dems would be unreasonable and ineffective.

  7. I don't know how any decent person could ever vote for Obama. He is a first class POS! The latest revelation is that he, Biden and Panetta knew about the Benghazi attack while it was happening and did nothing. He is a serial lying, murdering SOB. I can't imagine the horror those Americans had to endure for 7 hours, under attack and hoping and praying for the military to help them. US could have been there in about an hour from base in Italy. Emails were even being sent to State Dept during attack and also cell phone calls and Obama did nothing.
    Anyone who supports/defends this abomination is also a POS not worhty to breath the same air as decent Americans.

  8. Wow, it's going to be a close one.

  9. Well 755, lets put it this way. If you go down my block of townhomes, there are atleast 3 families who husbands leave for work at 5am sharp every morning and don't return till the evening. One even has a small business startup. You have another husband who is a retired fireman who now assists with a small business in town. Another couple are teachers. And you have a few single ladies (no children) who are also up and out the door every morning working to get ahead. Oh, lets also not foreget the airman that stays next door. Within this mix, many used fed help to go to college. All used an FHA loan to become home owners. And several grew up in rough neighborhoods to families that relied on public assistance at one time or another. What else do they have in common? All will be voting for Obama. I doubt you would charecterize any of their stories as being moochers just waiting on handouts or accuse them of not being "decent americans".

    How about this. We can agree to disagree about politics. But cut all the personal attacks just because we don't see the solution for our national problems the same way.

  10. If Romney wins, be careful discussing unemployment because the numbers will go through the roof when more jobs are sent overseas and those businesses are given tax breaks to do so.
    Romney has never had to support himself. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and doesn't understand people who actually WORK a regular job for a living supporting the rich!

  11. First and foremost decent civilized people have compassion for human life above and beyond anything else, 9:19, if not the world would be even in worse shape then it is. It's not a personal attack it is a fact. Disregard for human life is what has made the inner cities hell on earth.
    For Obama to sit there for 7 hours knowing this was unfolding in Benghazi and not attempt to do anything is the 2nd worst thing anyone could do. To defend him or make up excuses for him is the first. It is inexcusable. Those people surely were horrified and waiting and praying for help.

  12. What are these so called "tax breaks" that someone gets for sending jobs overseas?
    The so called "silver spoon" Romney was born with was a work ethic. The other "silver spoon" was a mother and father who taught him all was possible with dreams, goals, hard work. A young Romney wasn't running around having children out of wedlock, partying, and putting foolish pleasures in front of his goals as a successful businessman. This isn't impossible for anyone. It's all a matter of priorities.

  13. yes 1040, obama should have put on his super dude cape, slipped on his super dude boots, and flew over there with guns ablazin to stop the attack. Just like Bush should have stopped the planes from hitting the twin towers and Reagan should have blocked that truck from hitting the marine barracks


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