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Tuesday, October 16, 2012


The liberal MSM attacked Romney like pitbulls when he spoke out after the Libyan Embassy attack. How dare he question the Administration while they were mourning the deaths of four Americans. It seems the Chris Matthews and the rest of leg tingle liberals haven’t been quite as vocal about the Obama administration’s lies, misinformation and blame for the deaths of these Americans. How convenient.

About Behghazi, Obama lied

Sunday, October 14,2012
An anonymous State Department official told the Associated Press last Tuesday: “That was not our conclusion” — namely that a notorious YouTube video that lampooned the Islamic prophet Mohammed unleashed deadly mayhem upon America’s consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
This denial should shock anyone who watched the news after U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, Foreign Service officer Sean Smith, and former Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were murdered on the 11th anniversary of September 11.
That anti-Islamic video’s culpability certainly was the “conclusion” among top administration officials, including President Barack Obama. They fingered this video for eight days, even as evidence mounted that these Americans were slain in a commando-style operation that involved machine guns and mortar shells, not banners and placards.
As Fox News Channel’s Bret Baier and Bill O’Reilly each detailed on Wednesday, Team Obama energetically promoted this now-repudiated “conclusion.”

1 comment:

  1. The Obabama administration came out more strongly against Romney over the killings than they did against the terrorist murderers.


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