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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Open Forum On Tonight's Presidential Debate, Round II


  1. Romney is going to kick Obamas you know what.

  2. Obama was asleep last time and Romney still couldn't kick his butt, so be real.

  3. Candy"s Kangaroo Debate!
    Score more time and more lies for Obama!

  4. Romney just SPANKED the President of the UNited States.

  5. Gotta love the gas prices were under 2 bucks 4 years ago because we were on the verge of a recession. Obama is so out of his league with Romney.

  6. Seen enough as Obama is doing his usual, distorting the truth trying to make his administration look good. Get rid of the man before he destroys our country and throws us all under the bus like he has done to Hilliary Clinton.

  7. Did Obama made his SEALED FILES FOR 4 YEARS available to public? No? Must be very secret, I guess. I knew that would be a wishfull thinking. Just more of BS.

  8. How much did you pay on interest from savings last year. Maybes 1 or 2 dollars. Middle class.

  9. I love her glasses!

  10. I say throw them out!

  11. We ALL have dreams,The coming true is the hard part.

  12. It is not a smaller governments job to create jobs. The new economy will not be grunt living wage manufacturing jobs. The manufacturing coming back from China is being made cheaper at home with technology. Coal,oil and natural gas at home is more extractable because of technology the military is more effective because of technology. There will be no more middle class for the unskilled and uneducated we have mexicans for that Americans need to wake up and realize the dream is not a birth right we all need to buck up and get smarter and shed our post world war two Norman Rockwell baseball hot dog apple pie happy days mentality and get with that the future has arrived and we are ill prepared having lived in an inflated consumerist dream get smarter work harder and do without like the generation that ushered in that delusion
    Stay home,cook,stop shopping for all the crap that ends up in landfills learn not to want and make due no one gets out alive and nobody cares what you have if you have no character you cant take it with you and if its bought on credit its no legacy.

  13. Making people so miserable they leave, sounds like a marriage. LOL

  14. That carpet is making me dizzy.

  15. Are there really 12 million undocumented residences here?

  16. I wish he would go away!

  17. I tell you what my retirement is Obama 000000.

  18. "Mr. President, have you looked at your pension?"
    "Uh, no."

    "Well, you should."


  19. Obama just got SPANKED again on Libya.

  20. The buck stops with Obama.

  21. Anybody else notice that on ABC when Romney is speaking there is a smaller screen (with a circling "O" in red and blue behind)?

  22. Romney just won the debate, hands down.

  23. I don't know Joe. I think Obama may be changing my mind. LOL

  24. Candy just SPANKED Obama. The libs must be puling their hair out. Hey Eric, come in late tomorrow morning. The libs won't have any hair left to cut anyway.

  25. Obama just SPANKED Romney on the 47% comment.. Obama clearly won this time

  26. Clear win for the the president

  27. A clear win that his ideals and policies have progressively failed the American people and severely degraded America's position in the World for 4 years!

  28. Romney convinced me tonight.

  29. Obama admitted on national live TV
    that "mine is not as big as yours"!!!
    He is the most impotent, pathological President this United States has ever elected.
    He is defensively sensitive and spiteful like a jealous little girl!
    (or mayor Ireton)
    Now that's hilarious!

  30. Obama looks like a scrawny little rug rat that came out of a freak show! Between his HUGE ears and beady black eyes that tell a lot about him (LIAR EYES), I can't even imagine anyone wasting their vote of someone like him. In four years, he has done more damage to our country - so why would he deserve another chance of destroying us even more.

  31. Alex said...
    Clear win for the the president

    October 16, 2012 10:57 PM


    First of all, Obama did not win anything. Clearly or otherwise.

    Secondly, he wants us now to believe that he said it was a terrorist attack the day after those 4 americans got murdered, and not that it was in response to a video ridiculing allah and his prophet muhammad?!

    Obama was asleep last time and Romney still couldn't kick his butt, so be real.

    October 16, 2012 9:11 PM

    You may need to start doing push-ups Barry. At least attempt to be protective.

  32. obamie has been asleep for 4 years
    9:11 , so get real. Satan won't win this fight.

  33. ones a liar!..and ones a bigger liar! we are screwed either way!

  34. Romney won. It was inevitable. Obama hasn't a record to brag upon in none of the important election topics. We got no straight answers out of him. He either attempted to demonize Romney, go off on some beaten path thus avoiding answering or out and out lied when asked questions.
    He couldn't help himself and is still playing the Blame Bush Game-example being when asked about high gas prices. That's because when he was elected we were going into a recession-LOL. So that's why gas prices are now double.
    Then we had this amature moderator who thought she would be clever and correct Romney on Liyba. Turns out she was WRONG. Now something that wasn't rated very high on voters issues of importance she has single handedly brought it to the forefront.
    And you had to love Romney asking Obama if he's looked at his pension. The point was made that obama is clueless when it comes to pension funds and finances as well as every other issue important to Americans.

  35. Obama said he takes full responsibility for attacks and murder at the embassy. He said he was her boss. Excuse me , I thought the people of the U. S. were her boss as well as Obama.
    Dictatorship at its best.

  36. I find it hard to believe that ANYONE would be proud to back either of these candidates. Both twist numbers to suit their on needs KNOWING that at the very least that they are being disingenuous and quite frankly just flat out lying. I love the fifth grade attitudes here. Tis a sad day for our country when these two guys are the FINEST for us to choose from. BTW, you guys missed one expression... " I know you, but what am I" Tis truly sad.

  37. Obama's flogging a dead horse with the Green Energy stuff, Planned Parenthood and contraception. Young woman has visions and goals of being able to get a good paying job and being able to pay for this stuff themselves.
    As far as the Green Energy angle-it's dead. Young people know the solution lies with coal and the pipeline which they know an environmentally sound solution can be reached. That's where millions of jobs are.

  38. LOL 8:17. The voters have not ever had such an accomplished, results driven, successful candidate such as Mitt Romney to choose from.
    Most people of his caliber don't want to be bothered in politics. Not only do they know they don't have to prove anything to anyone but their privacy is a concern.

  39. You folks are too funny. Guess we'll see who is right come 11pm Nov. 6th.

    I will point out the absolute buffoonery some of you are working with.
    "example being when asked about high gas prices. That's because when he was elected we were going into a recession"

    GLOBAL demand for oil collapsed following a GLOBAL economic downturn. Take of your partisan blinders and please look at the facts.

  40. President Obama accomplished what he set out to do in the debate. On to the election and a second term.

  41. WRONG 8:46. The Global demand for oil has not ever collapsed. As a matter of fact the demand for oil in China, India and other developing countries has put it at a world wide demand.
    The high price of gas is due to the value of the US dollar. Oil is traded on the world market in U.S. dollars. When the value of the dollar declines in comparison to other major currencies, OPEC earns less per barrel of oil. To compensate, it may raise the price per barrel, thereby increasing the price of gasoline.

  42. LOL 8:46-It's quite clear you have zero knowledge of commodities and how they work!
    No blinders on with me at all, just more in tune with how the real world works than you are.

  43. 8:46. You are wrong. Gas prices do not directly follow gasoline prices, though when demand is low the direct opposite happens from what you claim. It's that old supply and demand rule. When demand is low, prices drop.

    Gas is different than crude oil. It is refined. Another impediment is right here at with the refineries. Some refineries due to obama's policies are only able to operate at 50% capacity. If all were allowed to operate at 100% gas prices would drop dramatically.

  44. US demand for oil may have fallen but globally it hasn't. I'm sure you are aware 8:46 that crude oil prices are set in the global market. I'm sure you are also aware that China alone in 2010 added more than 10 million cars on their roads? I'm also sure that you are aware that the US is competing directly with foreigners for oil which puts upward pressure on our gas prices. I also sure you are aware that when demand drops as you claim so does the price?
    The only buffonery is you with your complete lack of knowledge of how global markets, OPEC, commondies, etc work.

  45. 10:05, refineries have been EXPORTING gas due to less US demand and increased demand in foreign markets so please cut the crap.

  46. It literally takes seconds to pull up the reports showing the sizable decrease in world oil demand as the recession took hold in 2008-2009 along with the subsequent rebound in demand in 2010. Please do your homework for once.

  47. "Anonymous said...
    10:05, refineries have been EXPORTING gas due to less US demand and increased demand in foreign markets so please cut the crap.

    October 17, 2012 10:56 AM"

    What is your point? Your comment makes zero sense. Prices at the pump are high due in part because restrictions put on refineries. You cut the crap. I've forgotten more on this subject than you can ever hope to know. Even democrat gov Jerry Brown in CA just last week lifted some restrictions on CA refineries to bring down the $6/gal price in that state.

  48. It dropped by 1.8% in 2008-09 11:07 so not exactly what one could consider sizable by anyone's stretch of the imagination. It was directly due to rising fuel costs in the US causing consumers to cut back. The rebound was caused by China and India.
    The bottom line is 8:46's comment implying that low demand equates to higher prices in the US comes no where near to being true. Whomever posted that comment needs to do their homework.


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