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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Obama On Libya: 'If four Americans get killed, it's not optimal'

President Obama vowed Thursday to fix any problems that contributed to the deaths of four American foreign service personnel during last month's attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, saying that when "four Americans get killed, it's not optimal."

GO HERE to read more and view video.


  1. What meaning is he using for the word "optimal"? Politicsspeak: a language designed to say nothing.

  2. He may have intended to say "optional".I may be missing something,but optimal does not seem to fit.

  3. People died, Obama lied!

  4. Obviously, we do not have an optimal president.

  5. Obama is not "Optimal" either.

    11:18 cracks me up...
    "He may have intended to say"

    Obama has proved he does not deserve the benefit of doubt.

  6. lol, Romney has a minute long audio segment downing half the country and you guys claim he was being shafted. Now you post a one line from an entire conversation on the subject trying to trash Obama. Can you say "hypocrite".

  7. "Downing" the 47% that needs to be told they are irresponsible is a noble act.
    Finally some truth from a politician and you think thats a bad thing 3:40?

    And don't give me the throwback BS that people that EARNED their social security are included. You now exactly the "welfare mom's" and "indigent by choice" people he was referring to...
    NO. They don't need society or the Government to take care of them.
    They need a Government that will get out of ALL the people's way so "they" will get jobs/care for themselves and family and pay taxes and donate to charity as they wish.

  8. Four more years of Obama won't be "optimal", but changing that will. If he's elected again, maybe he needs to become one of the "optimals".


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