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Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Obama: Columbus Day a Time to ‘Reflect on Tragic Burdens Tribal Communities Bore’

 In his presidential proclamation   recognizing Columbus Day issued last week, President Barack Obama said the holiday was a day to “celebrate our heritage as people born of many histories and traditions” and a time to “reflect on the tragic burdens tribal communities bore” since the explorer arrived on the North American continent in 1492.
“Today, we recall the courage and the innovative spirit that carried Christopher Columbus and his crew from a Spanish port to North America, and we celebrate our heritage as a people born of many histories and traditions,” the Oct. 5 proclamation says.


  1. “reflect on the tragic burdens tribal communities bore"...Obama speak for the terrible white man's colonization of the America's.

    This Communist has got to go in November!

  2. 7:22

    Are you retarded? Hes talking about the indians, who we killed, tortured and stole from.

    How does that make him communist? Do you even know what that word means?

    You should say words you dont know the meaning to.

  3. 9:33 It's so much bigger than your feeble mind can fathom...

  4. 933, go watch the "2016" movie, then come back to comment. You will apologize.


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