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Friday, October 19, 2012


Today, according to the White House pool report, President Obama told Jon Stewart during a Comedy Central Daily Showtaping that the deaths of our ambassador to Libya and three other Americans were “not optimal.” This comes just weeks after President Obama told CBS News’ Steve Kroft on 60 Minutes that the murders of four Americans in Benghazi were “bumps in the road.” By way of contrast, President Obama described the YouTube video “The Innocence of Muslims,” which had nothing to do with the Benghazi attacks, as “crude and disgusting,” an “insult,” and said that its message “must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity.”



  1. Obama needs to be tried for Treason and the appropriate "OLD" penalty enforced!

  2. We need to clean house on Pennsylvania Avenue, D.C. Vote Romney/Ryan on November 6!

  3. I don't think the "optimal" was so bad. I heard the whole segment last night on Stewart. I also heard the "bumps in the road" and that floored me. That was after he dismissed the Bengahazi tragedy and jaunted off to Las Vegas for a jovial fundraising event even missing once again the daily security briefing. That was just repulsive.

  4. Our "president" is not optimal. He must go or America will be no more.

  5. The President, not outraged that one our our Ambassadors was killed, is merely "perturbed" that the timing of the murders was not the best. I've told you before that "we, the people" are pawns and serfs. We mean NOTHING to them except as a method and means to get them re-elected. It is still too early to go on COMEDY shows, too, and talk about the death of Americans. Go on a NEWS program and talk FACTS, not answer (extremely) softball questions from a comedian by going into your campaign speech for 15 minutes. I was so disgusted with Jon Stewart's blatant campaign ad (the so-called "interview") that I turned the TV off. Stewart should be ASHAMED.


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