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Thursday, October 25, 2012

NOAA to East: Beware Of Coming 'Frankenstorm'

An unusual nasty mix of a hurricane and a winter storm that forecasters are now calling "Frankenstorm" is likely to blast most of the East Coast next week, focusing the worst of its weather mayhem around New York City and New Jersey.
Government forecasters on Thursday upped the odds of a major weather mess, now saying there's a 90 percent chance that the East will get steady gale-force winds, heavy rain, flooding and maybe snow starting Sunday and stretching past Halloween on Wednesday.
Meteorologists say it is likely to cause $1 billion in damages.
The storm is a combination of Hurricane Sandy, now in the Caribbean, an early winter storm in the West, and a blast of arctic air from the North. They're predicted to collide and park over the country's most populous coastal corridor and reach as far inland as Ohio.


  1. I'm really HOPING that this turns out to be a bunch of nothing!
    At any rate, me and my family will be prepared. I hope everyone else is too.

  2. Okay.....we are at a crossroad here. Should our government begin to prepare for the worst, as tomorrow is friday.....and then complain because they wasted money preparing if it turns out to be nothing......or do we insist that preparation isnt necessary until it is too late and then complain because they didnt prepare. Make the call before the storm instead of being a monday morning quarterback.

  3. NBC news showed the path of the storm coming in directly over Ocean City Maryland. I will pay attention to this forcasters regarding this storm

  4. The models are for the storm to pass north of us, which places the lowest wind speeds here. Rain is usually northwest corner, so we may get the minimum effect.

    Either way, it's a rainstorm. Anybody out there ever been in one? I was in 36 inches in 36 hours in the Florida Keys! Beat that!

    Billion dollars.... Prissies!

  5. I do not have a good feeling about this storm. It's different.


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