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Saturday, October 27, 2012

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg Donates $250K To Md. Marriage Equality Campaign

In a week and a half, Maryland voters will decide whether to allow same-sex marriage in this state. And supporters are calling on high-profile help. With Election Day fast approaching, the mayor of New York City stands behind local leaders to rally for the message.
Kai Jackson has more on the push for voter approval.
The state of New York already made national news by allowing same-sex marriage. Now, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is trying to help Maryland do the same.


  1. The Demons are looseOctober 27, 2012 at 5:54 PM

    He will rot in hell

  2. Given that the percentage of people with abnormal sexual orientation (we can't call it normal) is so low, why do we have our elected "leaders" pushing for the majority to come around to the abnormal people's ways? Do only minority groups vote? People really need to think about this as voting day nears.

  3. OOOps! Sorry, too late! I just voted for man+woman only! Gosh darn! sorry you wasted your money!

  4. Thank you Mr Mayor

  5. This won't be any change for me.My wife and I have been having the same sex for years.

  6. sodom meet gomorrah

  7. 7:02 I have the same problem.

  8. Bloomberg... I always thought he looked like a bottom!

  9. Were those New York City Taxpayer dollars? Dollars that people against gay marriage sent in under penalty on fines and imprisonment?

  10. I voted no. I am also tired of every minority shoving their agenda down my throat. Life isnt fair, deal with it.

  11. Bloomberg....keep your money and stay out of our state.

  12. Bloomberg - this is the same nanny-state turd trying to regulate soft drinks in NY. I don't particularly care about this issue, but if self-righteous limo-liberal trash like this are for it, I'll vote against it.

  13. Bloomie needs to stay out of our politics and pocketbooks. This is NO BUSINESS of his!


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