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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Moon Formed From An Earth Impact

Water on the moon boiled away in massive quantities in a cataclysmic evaporation event during the moon's birth, bolstering the theory that a Mars-sized body collided with the Earth to form its only natural satellite, scientists say.
Researchers examined rocks collected by astronauts during NASA's Apollo lunar landing missions, as well as a meteorite that originated on the moon to make the find. They looked for traces of zinc, and found the ratios of heavy to light isotopes are greater than on Earth, which suggests the moon went through an intense evaporation event early in its formation.
The study is more evidence for the theory that the moon formed from a colossal impact, researchers said.


1 comment:

  1. Still a theory as the post states.When large solid objects strike the moon it actually rings like a bell.Google "moon ringing like a bell when struck".That fact fact forces me to believe the moon was never a part of our Earth.The composition is entirely wrong.


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