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Sunday, October 21, 2012


Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has been called a lot of things: a liar, tax cheat, heartless rich guy, field general in the war on women. However, he has never been called a socialist-slash-communist who wants to “work for China” — until now.
MRCTV  was able to get an interview with a pink-haired mega-fan of President Barack Obama. “Cinnamon” told MRCTV that she has seen Obama six times in person and has also seen him in his car around Washington, D.C. She promises that she isn’t stalking the president.
But here’s where it gets even more interesting. When asked about Romney and what would become of the United States of America if he became president, this is what Cinnamon had to say:
More Including a Video  HERE


  1. Sadly, the strategy to catapault Obama to the presidency was a catalyst to inspire this type of uniformed person to vote. I would bet money the presidential election of 08 was the first time ole' cinnamon ever voted. Bet she couldn't even tell you who her congressional representative for her district is. But I bet she knows the whole cast of love and hip hop or when the Kardashian's are on tv. The presidential election is the latest reality show with foreign policy discussion taking place on Jimmy Kimmel and other late night talk show garbage. We need to educate ourselves beyond what main stream media feeds us. Actually READ something, it is still available at least for the time being. And wake up out of the trance that the REAL powers that be above Obama or Romney are tip toeing our country into tyranny!! Knowledge suppression and proliferation of ignorance is the name of the game.
    Pray for our country!!

  2. Just sounds like your average tea partier. Just change the party affiliation.

  3. Well she does speak the truth about ole Mitty being in bed with China, otherwise shes is pretty wack-a-doo.

  4. A typical Obama supporter. Uninformed, uneducated, and surely on Government assistance. She'd make a freight train take a dirt road!

  5. 3:35 Except Romney never had a single Mentor or father figure that was a flaming COMMUNIST like Obamas grandfather or Frank Marshall Davis, both communist propagandists in America.
    Thats the difference.
    Cinnamon does not know a communist when she supports one!

  6. Hey, where my Obama phone at?

  7. I like how she says “And we don’t need trillions of dollars of debt to China again, you know,” Hasn't she figured out it was OBAMA that is responsible for that debt. This country is in bad shape if people are so easily brain washed.

  8. She is clearly unemployable. so therefore on government assistance and doesn't care. She is protecting her situation by voting Obama for the next 4 years. Welcome, 47%. Now, let's see who we all have to ge out and vote against!

  9. 8:48
    You have a point. What type of employer would hire someone with pink hair. Certainly not an employer that pays well.

  10. This woman s*c)s. So do almost all of obammmalala's supporters.

  11. She doesn't even deserva a spot on the news..........just another brainwashed Obama supporter.

  12. You just can't fix stupid.


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