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Friday, October 12, 2012

Mayor Ireton Is So Full Of BS It Isn't Funny

United Central Bank Commits to Demolishing the Thrift Travel Inn

In an effort to keep the public informed regarding the Thrift Travel Inn, Mayor James Ireton, Jr. would like to provide the following update.

In a telephone conversation between Mr. Carter Root, Vice President of United Central Bank, and Mr. Tom Stevenson, Director of Neighborhood Services and Code Compliance, Mr. Root confirmed that in fact, United Central Bank intends to satisfy the demolition order for the Thrift Travel Inn.*

It is recognized that time is required to secure the necessary permits and approvals before the actual demolition can begin. This will move the actual demolish date beyond the compliance date of October 20, 2012.

Mr. Stevenson stated, “While the city reserves the right to issue citations for failure to raze the structure before the October 20th deadline, it would be in the best interest of the city to partner with United Central Bank to once and for all, eliminate this blighting influence.”

Mayor James Ireton, Jr said, “United Central Bank is proceeding with obtaining the proper permits from the State and the City. The draw on City services should come to an end in the coming weeks. I’m proud of Neighborhood Services and Code Compliance for constantly working on behalf of revitalization and the demolition of this property.”

Publishers Notes: Look, NONE of this was accomplished by the Mayor or Tom Stevenson, with all due respect. Council President Terry Cohen did an interview weeks ago with WBOC stating the City taxpayers should NOT have to pony up the money the demolish this structure. She went on to say the the Bank should be providing the funds to tear it down. I personally sat in the Work Session where Council President Cohen stated this exact same thing even before the WBOC interview.

The IDEA was created by the Council. Once again Mayor Jim Ireton purposely ignored their wisdom and instructions to have the Mayor's Office follow through with THEIR request.

Either Jim Ireton simply doesn't do his homework, (clueless) or he's so deep into the national election he simply doesn't care about Salisbury and local issues. One thing if for sure Ladies & Gentlemen, Mayor Jim Ireton had nothing to do with this and again, a good leader will give credit where credit is due. There is no mention of Council President Cohen in the above Press Release.

You also have to wonder if WBOC will recall their interview with Cohen and give the Council the credit they deserve on this matter.


  1. It was Mark Tilghman who called the Bank.

  2. Credit, shmedit. This bum of a mayor still wanted his extra $50,000 to tear it down but he claims was working to get the bank to do it the whole time.

    What's he want that extra money to blow on? He's as sneaky as Tilghman but more easy caught in the act.

  3. As I recall, Ireton was asking the council for $50k on the backs of the taxpayers and it wasn't necessary. He's another Barrie Tilghman.

  4. anonymous 10:02 & 10:03, lmao! Funny how people think alike and remember the past.

  5. Jim is all about taking credit for everything. He was on the radio this morning bragging about his parking idea. No Jim, it was Joe's idea but like everything else you do you stole it. I know who I'll be voting for and it isn't Jimmy.

  6. Mayor Ireton makes me sick to my stomach. Can anyone tell me what he's done for us so far.

  7. Hang on a couple of hours 10:45, I'm still thinking. The best thing he could do for us, would be move to Rehobeth for good.

  8. Council President Cohen did that interview on WBOC while Jimbo and Laura were busy at the convention. They care more about the national business than whats going on in their own city. Cohen, thank you.

  9. Thank you once again County Council & to you Joe for keeping people informed!! EW

  10. Debbie Campbell and maybe Shanie Shields too were the people I heard were pushing the parking issue. Didn't they discussed it at a recent meeting or I am just having old guy hallucinations?

    I would like to know what he was going to do with the extra $$$ too. What this looks like to the common man is that Ireton knew the bank would come through and he was just trying to get a new slush fund.

    Stay on this, Joe, like you always do? What did he want that money for really?

  11. When is he going to get rid of Rick Hoppes. He can take credit for appointing the worse department heads.

  12. Ireton appoints unqualified department heads, then calls the council, a council of "No's," for doing the job they were elected to do!

    I deserve educated professionals to run the departments that my tax dollars fund.

    Nobody else will work with Ireton, the word is out. His childish games are getting on my last nerve.

  13. A clone, a drone with no bone of his own.

  14. I can't wait till the D-BAG is gone!!

  15. I am sick of Ireton, too. A real leader works with other officials instead of trying to con them and slam them in the biased newspaper. He throws fits and blames others when he doesn't get his way. From what I have seen, the council has tried to cooperate with this bozo and has good ideas. Thanks to them, the building will still get torn down and by the people responsible for tearing it down, but without him getting his hands on another $50,000 to squander on some pet project to make himself look good.

  16. Ireton has snookered a lot of people into thinking he is so nice. Mitchell too.

    If people only knew.

    What they don't know is, some of us invisible folk that they think don't count overhear the garbage they spew when they are out and about. Arrogant and mean come to mind.

  17. I overheard Ireton laughing about how he would scuttle the skate park in the hall of the GOB recently. I'm sure that he will try to blame the council. He has set them up for another election cycle circus. He doesn't give a darn about the skate park. I think that he purposely put it near homes and in a place that wasn't great knowing that the council would do the right thing and try to have it located in a good spot. He never came to them before the grant was submitted. this is just like the fire grant, the bricks, and so many others. Then, he calls a press conference and calls the council names.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Ireton appoints unqualified department heads, then calls the council, a council of "No's," for doing the job they were elected to do!

    I deserve educated professionals to run the departments that my tax dollars fund.

    Nobody else will work with Ireton, the word is out. His childish games are getting on my last nerve.

    October 12, 2012 1:27 PM

    I agree with you 100%

    Ireton and Hoppes need to go!

  19. What they don't know is, some of us invisible folk that they think don't count overhear the garbage they spew when they are out and about. Arrogant and mean come to mind.

    October 12, 2012 6:34 PM

    You mean a true eastern shoreman/woman


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