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Monday, October 22, 2012

Local Area Business Closure List Part II

Hi Joe
As you can already probably tell - the Obama/O'Malley administration is currently disseminating job statistics information trying to - 'throw off' - Romney's battle cry about our sagging state of the economy.
Last week - the O'Malley administration touted they were lowering the State Unemployment Rate on Maryland businesses. 
Fact is -  Maryland's unemployment contribution rate on businesses was dramatically raised - (25.3% - per Maryland legislative actions during the prior year 2012 budget - trying desperately to shore up the fund for the thousands of layed off Maryland workers due to the massive number of Maryland factory closings - (look on page 58 of the following Maryland Report) - http://www.dbm.maryland.gov/agencies/operbudget/Documents/2012/FY2012BudgetHighlights.pdf
Here is the excerpt from the above Maryland Budget Highlights report:
 -  Major Program Funding

The FY 2012 Allowance includes $80.1 million, an in­
crease of $16.2 million or 25.3%, to support DLLR’s
Division of Unemployment Insurance which has experi­
enced a significant increase in the number of Maryland­
ers applying for and collecting unemployment insurance
(UI) benefits.
 (emphasis added by author)
Under Governor O’Malley’s leadership,
Maryland received $126.8 million in federal funds, ex­tending payment plans for UI contributions from em­ployers and additional benefits to claimants for employ­ment training.
For the SBYnews readers to be accurately informed - I believe SBYnews should post the Lower Eastern Shore Factory Closure list so that our residents can make the determination for themselves.  The bigger question is;  Are Marylanders Better Off Today Than They Were (4) Years Ago. 


  1. I had an idea that O'Malley was up to something - but as most avid SBYnews know - SBYnews is once again onto their game.

    I swear - I do not know who your guys are at SBYnews - but I have to hand it to your organiztion - you deserve a Pulitzer Prize for the great job of reporting. It is outstanding in comparison to what our area has traditionally received from the former MSM.

    Great work SBYnews, you are truly an asset to the entire eastern shore.

  2. Response to 10:59

    Gov. OMalley is using fuzzy math, no question about it. He fills in the blanks with statistics without fully explaining what transpired. This is just another classic example of him getting caught.

  3. That is why the democratic leadership is trying to be flamboyant about the economy.

    Sad fact is it is proving to be big mistake. Their biggest problem that I see is that they have accumulated a very dismal performance record and are now being found out.

    This is just another example of another failed attempt to distort data.

  4. Great investigative reporting. I saw the state memo come through a few days ago and wondered what was up. As Paul Harvey used to say,

    'Now we know the rest of the story'


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