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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Letter To The Editor On Yesterday's Daily Times

Hi! I was wondering if anyone noticed The Daily Times' HUGE typo right on the front page...
VENDERS... is not a word. VENDORS is a word.
Based on the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, VENDOR is a word: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/vendorVENDERS is not even in the urban dictionary.
I can't believe an "experienced" editor will let that slide. What an embarrassing mistake coming from our local newspaper.


  1. If the word is used incorrectly enough times, it will become the acceptable truth..... just like lying... Any politician knows this..

  2. Use it often enough and it will become an accepted word - like "irregardless."

  3. Even prepositions aren't safe... IE: Where is that at?

    I was told not too long ago that people here speak 'Merican not english, I am inclined to agree.

  4. 10:16...I despise "irregardless"...whenever I point out to people that it isn't proper English, they always argue that it is still a word, even if improper! Don't those people understand what a double negative is?! I cringe every time I hear that word.

  5. Did you see the front page news today? They are talking about Sarah's Law and Mike and Matt taking all the credit.

  6. This is probably a product of our higher education system. College grads are no longer required to be "proficient" in English.

  7. 1156,

    Yea, and no mention about the investigators that made that case stick. Mike and Matt did NOTHING.


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