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Friday, October 12, 2012

Its A Good Day

This morning there were six men standing outside Eric's Barber Shop. Downtown Salisbury is coming back with a bang.


  1. WOW, a whole six ! Thats' awesome.
    Looks like the economy has recovered. Great news!

  2. The last time I was in Eric's barber shop it was packed.I told him he needed to install a drive up window so people would not have to get out of their car to get their hair cut.They could just stick their head out of the window.He does have a sense of humor.

  3. anonymous 12:09, while your tone is sarcastic, Eric has been through a LOT physically. The fact that he has not been able to stay open as long as he used to, having six pewople at your door first thing in the morning says a LOT about the work he performs. Are there six people waiting outside your business before you swing the doors, NO.

    Aqua has opened their doors, the Deli is doing extremely well and as far as I'm concerned things are looking up for Downtown Salisbury.

    No one is asking for credit, that is, unless Ireton reads this Post and decides he wants to take credit for everything. Kinda like he's done with 3rd Friday, which he had nothing to do with other than attending and taking credit for something a whole lot of other people actually made work.

    Nevertheless, I rejected other similar comments on this Post because they are unnecessary. Do send us a picture of the six or more people standing outside your business in the morning waiting for you to swing your doors. I'm sure others will love it./ My guess, you're full of crap and just like to stir the pot.

  4. I really hope that the first commenter was just trying to be funny in a positive way. Unfortunately, they most likely were not. The people waiting outside just shows what can happen to a business when you are good at what you do, are friendly and personable with your customers, and have people like Joe Albero that spend their time trying to help rebuild a town by promoting these great businesses. When Eric was out with his illness I waited for him to come back before getting another haircut. That was just a way that I was able to show my support for him. Eric truly does deserve the positive things that are happening with his business and I will continue to support him in any way that I can.
    Thank you for this post Joe!

  5. He's got my business , says to me , you look a lot younger. That did it. He has been very busy and that is good , I was wondering about my neighbor who has the new Deli , how's he doing. I also saw the shop a the bottom of your building , looks like some good stuff in there.

  6. Sorry ,just read your comment , the deli is doing good , that's good.

  7. Six customers lined up for a hair cut is a lot these days. Go to any cuttery and you will see.
    12:09 , your a pig who needs his ass whipped.

  8. I'm reading about a barbershop quartet around in Berlin. Wonder if that would be cool on 3rd Friday at Eric's? Might make me want to stop and sit down for a while!

  9. Dana Simpson started Third Friday.

    Volunteers made Third Friday (Connie Strott, Lee Whaley, Ann Taylor, bunch more)

    The Council committed funds to events like Third Friday.

    Ireton gave it press.

    But then, so did Joe Albero!

    Lots of people made Third Friday happen, but most credit goes to the constant work of the volunteers.

    If Ireton tries to make it sound like he is the savior of Third Friday, he is a jerk.

  10. Eric IS a great barber. I just wish he would change his answering machine to reflect the actual hours he is open. Something to the effect that if the machine picks up, then he is closed. I have called and since the hours on the machine are til 6pm, driven there only to find the place closed. That's not fair to the customer.

  11. Something to the effect that if the machine picks up, then he is closed. I have called and since the hours on the machine are til 6pm, driven there only to find the place closed. That's not fair to the customer.

    October 12, 2012 9:05 PM

    You just say if machine picks up, he is closed. Then you go on to say his hours are to 6pm and you ASSUME he will be open if you drive there.

    Does anyone else think that is silly?


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