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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Harvard 1991 Yearbook

Perhaps Harvard or Snopes were/are confused but, if not, I thought a person had to be born in the USA to be President. Am I wrong? 
Check Snopes HERE.


  1. LOL i cant even stand it. the damage has been done. i sincerely hope that person is not re-elected

  2. Who knows what to believe about him anymore. He lies so much about everything else, it's not hard to make the leap and think he is lying about his origins.

  3. He is lying about lying and whose to say he isn't lying about that lol. It just keeps going in circles...

  4. and you have to believe the source because snopes is about as liberal as they come.

  5. Must be a typo or just a plain joke. Everybody knows that Comrade Obama was born in the heatrland and is a flag waving patriot of the higest order.

  6. He just mastered what Elizabeth Warren got caught attempting.

  7. How did they know in 1991 that he was the first African-American president? This is a big factor in why people can't believe what they read or hear in the alleged media.

    Responcible journalism would question this before it goes to print.

    1. "Responcible" (lol) people would read before they comment. It doesnt say president of the US, it says Harvard Law Review. That is the problem with liberals......you think you know.....but you dont.

  8. He was born in Kenya before he was born in the US ;-)


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