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Monday, October 08, 2012

From the Washington Post Mail Bag

I guess this election is over because this is the quality of critique that is showing up as Letters to the Editor   in the Washington Post.
The Post reported   that Mr. Romney pops popcorn at home and puts it in his wife’s purse when they go to the movies. A political adviser described watching him walk to a nearby convenience store to bring back Perrier to drink with a meal. He does not want to spend the extra money charged for the same products at the cinema or restaurant.
At the movies this is a clear violation of policy. At the restaurant it is less clear, but it is clearly wrong. Is this what we want from a presidential candidate? Someone who sneaks food into the movies and is unwilling to pay a restaurant its prices?
I expect better of my children and have taught them better.
John N. Ruth, Annapolis


  1. "I expect better of my children and have taught them better."

    What have you taught them? Shop lifting? Flash mob robbery? Armed holdup? Nothing like having sidewalk Nazis like Mr. Ruth to look out for the more important challenges to our society. Next time, take photos and you can post to America's Most Wanted. :^)

  2. I admire him for being so cost effective. However , I don't think this is true. If that's all they have to throw at him , he will surely win.

  3. Thank you Mr. Ruth. I certainly agree and would much rather have my children act more like President Obama and smoke pot, be a racist, bash Christianity and hide his real birth place and college transcripts. Lord help us if we elect someone as sneaky as Gov. Romney!

  4. Dear John Ruth,
    It is so obvious that you are a government worker , right?
    You are ignorant of any law , religion , and certainly have not done any research on Barrack Satan Obama.
    You have milked the U.S. for a long time , so give it up stupid.

  5. Gov. Romney goes into regular movie theaters and convenience stores?


    When was the last time you saw O'Malley or George Allen etc. going to the movies and looking for a drink next to the Twinkie aisle?

  6. Annapolis RUth,You gotta be kidding me. The thief is the consecession venders.The wife and I do the same thing. We bought 1 large popcorn and 2 medium drinks and spent almost $25.00. That was more than the 2 movie tickets at senior prices.

  7. Before I take the kids to a movie we always stop by the Dollar store for some of the same size boxes of candies...and I do not feel guilty nor am I alone.

  8. There is a reason Romney is wealthy, he's very aware of costs. Same reason he buys his golf clubs at K-Mart, and why until the mid-90s he drove a mid-80s Chevy Caprice. Romney=Smart Money.

  9. Gotta love how Ruth writes "The Post reported that Mr. Romney pops popcorn...... "

    What he forgets to mention (surprise surprise) is that it was an acquaintance of Romney's who supposedly is quoted as saying this. He is intentionally misleading and is dishonest.

    He should never have brought up his children because now all know what a sorry excuse for a father his children have.

  10. LOL-This guy needs to get out more. BYOP (Bring Your Own Popcorn) isn't always a "clear violation of policy" and is encouraged at some theaters. BYOP (and other snacks) theaters are quite numerous in both Northern VA/DC suburbs and out to Fauquier Co and have been for years.
    The only thing I've ever seen discouraged from being brought in is coffee and that is because the if spilled the milk and sugar can be a sticky mess.


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