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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Discarded Filled-Out Voter Forms in Virginia Spur Probe

Virginia officials are probing a case in which completed voter-registration forms were said to have been tossed into a trash bin outside of a store in the Shenandoah Valley just before Monday’s 5 p.m. registration deadline — the latest incident in what’s already been a rather eventful election year in the Old Dominion.
Rob Johnson, manager of the store Tuesday Morning in Harrisonburg, said he saw a man pull up in a car on Monday, throw something in his trash bin, then drive away.
After sifting through the garbage bag — perilously close to the 5 p.m. voter-registration deadline — Mr. Johnson found a folder with eight voter-registration forms already filled out.


  1. I bet they were from Republican voters.

  2. My question exactly, 206. What party?

  3. Sounds like some of the fraudulent dirty tricks of the Dumbocrats again.


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