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Monday, October 08, 2012


On Friday, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) launched an investigation into the anti-voter fraud group True the Vote. Citizens trained by True the Vote petitioned offices around the country, asking local election officials to review questionable voter registrations and remove dead and duplicates from the voting rolls. True the Vote’s goal: to ensure the veracity of each and every vote. That involves training volunteers to check voter lists and monitor polls on election day to ensure compliance by poll workers.

But Democrats aren’t interested in policing voter fraud; they’re far more interested in allowing improper voters to go to the ballot box. Perhaps that’s because every mass case of voter fraud around the country – from the Minnesota Senate election of Al Franken to the Washington gubernatorial election of Christine Gregoir – seems to benefit Democratic candidates. And voter fraud does happen: as David Fahrenthold of the Washington Post reported this week, “It may still be possible to steal an American election, if you know the right way to go about it. Recent court cases, from Appalachia to the Miami suburbs, have revealed the tricks of an underground trade: Conspirators allegedly bought off absentee voters, faked absentee ballots, and bribed people heading to the polls to vote one way or another.”



  1. Expect more of this. It's going to get bad. New polls on likely voters (key word-"likely") has Romney ahead 52% to Obama's
    46%. The expert pollster's and campaign strategist's have been saying for some time now that Romney's going to win with nearly 60% of the vote.
    Obama knows this and that explains his lackluster debate performance. Biden knows this and that explains him acting like an out of control, yelling and screaming nervous maniac nutcase.

  2. Wasn't there a case of a landlord trying to buy his renter's vote with a rent discount during the Ireton-Comegys election?


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