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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Biden: Planned Parenthood ‘Under Law Cannot Perform Any Abortion;’ Planned Parenthood: We Did 985,731 In 3 Years

Vice President Joe Biden said at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse on Friday that Planned Parenthood “under law cannot perform any abortion.”
Planned Parenthood itself has published fact sheets indicating that it did 985,731 abortions in just the three years from 2008 through 2010. These included 324,008 abortion in 2008, 332,278 abortions in 2009, and 329,445 abortions in 2010.
Biden made his remark in response to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney position that he would defund Planned Parenthood.


  1. Biden is an air head.He has no clue. Dumber than a fishing worm. But, he did know Moby Dick when he was a guppy.

  2. Good for Biden.Now do us all a favor and triple that number.

  3. God how he makes my eyeballs bleed! PLEASE would somebody just vote them out so I don't have to see or hear from him EVER again??!!

  4. I think you will hear from him for at least 4 more years, because, lets see... Dow near a 4-year high, unemployment claims at a 4-year low, consumer confidence at a 4-year high.
    But hey don't let the facts sway your votes

    1. Hey Alex, where you sucking those numbers you call "facts" from, your dream pipe? Or Huffington Post? Here is some facts for you:
      1) 16 trilion dollars deficit, it was 9 trilion when Obama took office
      2) $1.79/gal price of gas when Obama took office
      3) 10 million dollars - amount of money spent in ONE YEAR on vacation expenses of Barry and Michelle Obama, taxpayers money, of course
      4) 185 and counting - rounds of golf played by Obama since taking office, unprecedented by any president
      5) 50 millions - Americans who are unemployed, without job
      If you can just answer one question, why is Obama spending millions of dollars on the law firm that keeps his files sealed from public for 4 years? NOBAMA 2012

  5. I think Joe has dementia.

  6. stupid is as stupid does...


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