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Friday, October 19, 2012

Ann Romney Corrects Whoopi On LDS

Ann Romney corrected Whoopi Goldberg about military service and the Mormon faith after being pressed by “The View” co-host during Thursday’s show.

“As first lady, if you get the job, it’s going to entail a lot of things, and one of those things is going to be talking to the mothers whose children are coming home in bags, you know, from wars,” Goldberg said. “Now, I believe that your religion doesn’t allow you to go fight?”

“No, that’s not correct,” said Romney, wife of GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney, also a Mormon. “We have many, many members of our faith that are serving in armed services.”

“Okay, um,” Goldberg said. “I say that because when I read about your husband, what I had read — and maybe you can correct this — is that the reason that he didn’t serve in Vietnam was because it was against the religion. That’s what I read.”

“No, that’s not correct,” Romney answered. “He was serving his mission and you know my five sons have also served missions. None served in the military. But I do have one son that feels that he’s giving back to his country in a significant way, where he is now a doctor and he is taking care of veterans. We find different ways of serving. My five boys and my husband did serve missions, but did not serve in the military.”



  1. Whoopi is an ignorant fool. The World is STILL wondering what brought her to fame? It can't be her acting. Some people just need to fade into obscurity. She can't interview, can't act and certainly can't get her facts straight on religions.


  3. I watched this show yesterday and Mrs. Romney is a true lady. Elizabeth and Barbara were very nice to her. The other three including Whoopi were very disinterested in everything she had to say to the point of being rude.

  4. So if their faith doesn't forbid it why has no one in the family ever served?

  5. Hopefully, Teh Won and Moochie will be available as full time panelists/co-morons on The View after Nov 6.

  6. What does Barack and Michelle say when they return in bags????? Don't believe the Muslim ever served a day in the military either. Whoopi and Joy Behar are sickening on that show. Don't watch it because of them.

  7. obama sends a form letter, michelle has nothing to do with it at all! and while on the subject who in the obama family served?

  8. Better than Whoopi religion which is Witchcraft! Liberal Hag!

  9. What a bunch of know - nothing hags on that program. Remember, they had a chance to do their homework.

  10. "Anonymous said...
    So if their faith doesn't forbid it why has no one in the family ever served?

    October 19, 2012 10:45 AM"

    Maybe they wanted to pursue other things? Quite possibly they realized the military wasn't for them. I know I couldn't do it. I'd make a terrible soldier. If I even survived I know all the horrors of war would haunt me for life. I can't even stand to see a dead animal on the side of the road. Everyone's different.

  11. Obama didn't serve. I don't remember this being an issue with him when he ran against someone who did. Furthermore, does this make a person "less than" if they don't serve in the military. What's the issue here?

  12. How many millionaires have children in the military.

  13. They didn't HAVE to cause there is NO draft anymore.


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