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Friday, October 19, 2012


It took almost 15 years, but the rotting and decayed corpse calledNewsweek will finally be buried as a print edition at the end of this year. Newsweek's actual time of death, though, was by suicide in 1998, the day Matt Drudge published a story on the Drudge Report: the explosive news that a sitting president had engaged in a clandestine affair with a 22 year-old intern.Newsweek had the story but refused to publish it, and when you choose protecting power and the status quo over reporting truth -- you're officially dead as a news outlet. (Yeah, I'm looking at you Politico, BuzzFeed Politics, and CNN.)

From there, Newsweek's death spiral was nothing more than a glorious slow-motion train wreck. About ten years later, with subscriptions plummeting, the insufferable John Meacham took over as editor with a brilliant business plan that transformed the weekly into something that was both biased and smug -- a "Morning Joe" in print, if you will. He raised the subscription price and aimed at profitability by appealing to elite liberals.


  1. What happens when you support Obama !

  2. Left leaning newspapers cannot and will not make it in America.

    I tried to explain this concept to Greg Bassett on numerous occasions - and as you can probably tell - it has fallen on deaf ears.

    The DT will be the next casualty - wait and see.

  3. They can't perceive the concept! WE WANT THE TRUTH! Not a bunch of mamby pamby suck it up to the local or national politicians BS!

    Sorry, but by today, the Blogs HAVE WON! You "newspapers, whether online or on print, are done.

    MSM is over. They have collectively enacted their own demise, and going online paid is a last straw they will
    grasp as they are sinking into the abyss.

    Idiots, all.


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