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Tuesday, October 02, 2012

A Viewer Writes...

Barack wails that he “inherited” this mess and the deficit from George Bush. Its just not Barack’s fault. He really wants to lower the deficit, but he just can’t right now.
Barack and his allies in the press forget one inconvenient truth: in 2006 the Democrats took over both houses of Congress and it is Congress that creates the budget and the deficit. So when Barack took office in January 2009 he inherited a “mess” and a deficit created by his own party.
George Bush might have signed the bills Congress sent to him, but every dollar of spending and every dollar of deficit was created by the Democrats, not the Republicans. Most also forget that it was Democrat policy that created the requirements that banks lend to people who could not afford the houses they bought.
Sorry Barack, the facts are a dangerous thing.


  1. and i just do not understand why conservatives are not screaming this to the hill tops everytime barack brings this up, or maybe this country is just too far gone to understand this

  2. Sadly it seems now a days that facts dont matter

  3. Well informed smart people know that obama inherited a mess caused by the democratically controlled congress under Bush. the problem is 47% of the voters are stupid which is how obama got elected. if the voters weren't dumber than him he wouldn't be in office. the facts don't lie like obama does.

  4. So the Democrats had control for the last 2 years of Bush's eight year rein, what happened during the other six?

  5. 11:20 Conservatives are trying to get this fact out there but the problem is it is above the heads of the 47%. This "free" stuff entitlement crowd aren't exactly academia.

  6. our country is in the process of being taken over! you just as well get used to obama,,cause he's goin to be pres for alot more than two terms! they done proved our constitution doesnt mean anything!

  7. Doesn't the republican party hold congress now? How are they recovering this mess?

  8. 11:36...We were rolling in $$ the first 6 years of Bush's Presidency..and then the Democrats took over..The rest is history

  9. 11:36..you ARE, quite obviously, one of obama's lemmings that would vote for him even if he admitted being the Anti-Christ. You are so intent on blaming Bush, you are willing to go back that far (!) to rationalize obamas incompetence. How brainwashed you are....how long will you people continue to blame someone else for his complete lack of ability? Oh yeah, thats right. Some other obama lemming have admitted they will blame Bush FOREVER. obama is destined to be called one of the worst president's in our country's history. Do all the "spinning" you want --- that won't change history's judgment.

  10. Anon 12:30
    You had the first part right, "we were rolling in $$ the first years of Bush's Presidency", however, Bush put us in 2 wars!
    We're still paying for those wars!
    Amazing to me how you all forget that!
    To this day, we're still paying for Bush's mistakes and the Republican controlled Congress keeps approving the checks to be cut!
    What are you going to say when Romney puts us in 2 or more ADDITIONAL wars?
    You're gonna blame that on Obama, right?

  11. 3:34 Obama gave Trillions of dollars to his banker buddies on Wall Street and committed us to two more proxy wars. What rock have you been living under?

  12. 4:13. Love the revisionary history the bank bail outs were under Bush.

  13. The fact stands that in Bush's 8 yrs the deficit rose 4 trillion and that was with 2 wars.. In obama's less than 4 yrs it has risen 6 trillion. Obama loses big time.

  14. LOL 4:13 full circle and back to the DUMOCRATICALLY control congress who forced Bush to get the first TARP installement crooks all of em..DEM REP dont matter they love to keep us bickering and its working!! real problems are not getting addressed!!! our country is being morfed into a 1984


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