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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pedestrian Struck By Truck Moments Ago

I just happened to be standing outside with Eric the Barber when all of a sudden we watched a pedestrian walk off the sidewalk and onto the street right in front of the truck shown above.

The driver had the green light arrow to turn right and had just started to move forward when he struck the pedestrian. The man was taken to PRMC and seemed to be fine other than a slight cut to his head.


  1. It's a wonder more persons don't get hit and KILLED around here.

    People in cars don't know how to drive and pedestrians don't know how to walk.

  2. I was on Snow Hill RD near the park when this guy just stepped off the sidewalk and into the street as if my 2000 lb going 25 mph car wasn't even there. Some people are dumber than the geese.

  3. I place most of the blame on pedestrians. I was driving down that same road this morning in the direction of Salisbury and saw a woman walking in the street pushing a baby carriage. She was walking right next to the sidewalk, but apparently it was somehow a better idea to walk in the street. I see that all the time here -- people walking in the street right next to the sidewalk, usually at night wearing dark clothes.


  4. There is a need for a pedestrian camera at every cornor.

  5. My solution for stupid pedestrians? Hit them harder.

  6. like the college kids. step in front of you with no regard for rules of traffic expecting you to stop. You must stop IF they're in the crosswalk, but they want you to stop regardless of where or when they cross.


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