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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Layoffs To Begin At Millsboro Vlasic Pickle Plant By End Of September

Pinnacle Foods, the owner of Vlasic Pickels, has announced that layoffs of hourly employees at the Vlasic plant in Millsboro could begin as soon as the end of this month.
A spokeswoman for Pinnacle says hourly employees will be laid off in phases as green season production wraps up. About 200 people work at the plant.
Back in May, Pinnacle announced that it would close the Millsboro plant by the end of this year and consolidate it with another plant in Michigan. Warehousing at the Millsboro Vlasic plant will continue until the middle of next year.


  1. I didn't know this was a union company. Wonder if that had a role in closing the plant.

    Sure puts the employee's in a 'pickle' doesn't it? :)

  2. Oh no!

    I love those pickles and sorry to see those people lose their jobs.


  3. I do not know what good the Delaware congressional delegation thinks it is going to do in going to visit Vlasic Pickels.

    It is to little, and, to late.

    Either way - SBYnews will add the 200 employee displacements onto the list of almost 100 local businesses that have either decided to shut down, or, move their operations out of here. And with the overwhelming regulatory environment - who can blame them.

  4. Obama:
    Another business destroyed by the Socialist Obama unions.
    And the Government steps in to save the day with more collectivism and redistribution.
    Save the company. Dismantle the union, hire people that want to work and make the company grow and be profitable.
    Let the union folk work for a living or suck the Government teet for pennies. Not phones, food, housing and a better living producing children than working.
    Defeat marxism.
    Ya feelin' me Obama? (fist bump)

  5. Was driving back home and all I heard on the liberal radio stations that the economy is much better, more jobs have been added.........hah hah hah!

  6. Being consolidated in Michigan? Isn't that the birthplace of unions? Millsboro didn't even have a chance however neither does the company now.

  7. I guess the price of cucumbers around here will drop next year.

    I'm not a business person but maybe someone with enough cash, or credit, could step in and run production with their own brand.

    Or maybe a group of farmers? Seems it would affect them the most.

    Just a thought.

  8. This is terrible news.


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