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Monday, September 03, 2012

Dem. Gov. Admits: No, We’re Not Better Off Than We Were 4 Years Ago

Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) broke with his party Sunday to say Americans are not better off than they were four years ago — but said that’s not what the November election is about.

Democrats have been studiously avoiding the “are Americans better off today?” question, but O’Malley addressed it head-on during an appearance on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

“No,” he answered host Bob Schieffer, two days before the start of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. “But that’s not the question of this election.”



  1. Blame it on Bush. Fact is Geo W Bush as did John McCain warned the democratically controlled house and senate that a collasp was inevitable and wanted something done. Barney Frank and the dems said nothing was wrong and there was no crisis.
    Omalley can still fool some of the people but those who are informed know the truth of the matter and the democrats are 100%, fully and totally to blame for the economic mess.

  2. It's Bush's fault! AAARRRGGGHHH!!!. Can't believe he said that on national tv!!!

  3. Oh & our illustrious mayor left out the main reason le wants to go to the convention. It's NOT on his own dime!

  4. Yea, we all know the last 4 years is all George Bushes fault. Another 4 years of Obama and we will be under Socialist Muslim rule.

  5. Of course we are not cause of policies that he and all the others including all Democrats and Republicans can not seem to address as reasonable adults. When there are individuals in office that truly care about the American people rather than what they can have for themselves and what they can give to those who rather sit home and live off thy neighbor then America will turn around.

  6. He's right. O'Malley was already destroying Maryland 4 years ago.

  7. Typical Democrat strategy can't win the argument so change the subject, They still are trying to run against Bush...LOL even though it was Dems who created the recession Bush had to deal with.

  8. Does anyone really care who's fault it is?

    Let's find a way out of it, seriously!

  9. Just now Fox News showed omalley less than 24 hours later saying we are better off than 4 years ago on CNN. Is he just a liar or is he that stupid and has forgetten what he said just 24 hours previous?
    He's in with his element down in NC-with the other "intellects" of the democratic party.

  10. "Does anyone really care who's fault it is?" Yes, actually. Many of those whose actions helped provoke financial collapse are still in office. They should be identified in order to get them, and their failed ideologies, out of power.

  11. Being the good compliant conformist that he is Omalley is now backtracking. What a mindless tool he is.


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