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Saturday, September 08, 2012

Attention: Civil War Buffs

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Poplar Hill Mansion

1-4 P.M.

Displays, re-enactors, authors,

Civil War weapons

Carriage rides ($10)

Entrance: Free

Great chance to learn about Salisbury in the Civil War.


  1. Is this a rain or shine event?

  2. Is this a live ammo event?

  3. Yes, while some of the activities are outside, they can be moved inside (except for the carriage rides). The weather is supposed to be agreeable, so come out and have a good time.

  4. watch football or watch guys pretend to be in a war...Go Redskins!

  5. That is the big problem with people today, they only want to watch TV and not see the real world, or what was in the real world of yesteryear. Not remembering history or following the current events makes great Obama voters, yup, keep your heads in the sand, don't read or get educated, and heaven forbid you actually have a informed mind before you vote or be able to discuss something you did over the weekend beside sit on your lazy ass and watch mindless dribble.

  6. Anonymous said...
    watch football or watch guys pretend to be in a war...Go Redskins!

    September 9, 2012 8:14 AM

    A Redskins fan! LMBO. We know what the outcome is going to be and this person passes up a once in a lifetime event. Here's your sign!


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