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Friday, August 24, 2012

Lawmaker Admits He Was Drinking Before Accident

Anne Arundel County Delegate Don Dwyer admits that he was drinking alcohol prior to a boat crash that injured seven people including three children.

Appearing in a wheelchair outside University of Maryland Shock Trauma, the Republican lawmaker made a brief statement to reporters. 
"It is true that I was drinking while operating my boat yesterday.  It has also been reported that my blood alcohol content was 0.2.  No one, no one should be drinking and operating a motor vehicle or power boat.  I deeply regret my actions and ask for forgiveness from the public," Dwyer said.


  1. He appears to be old enough to know better. So many innocent lives hurt by a careless act. It is really sad.


  2. Usually a cell phone.

  3. Wouldn't it have been much better and much more beliveable if he had asked for forgiveness from the FAMILIES of the children he killed? A politician, though, is a politician. e wants forgiveness from the VOTERS. Wants to keep that cushy job. No one is going to bribe a FORMER congressman.....

  4. I notice that the media wrote "Republican" lawmaker and yet I have seen some articles about politicians where I actually couldn't even find which party they hailed from.

    It's called media bias and this guy was wrong, wrong, wrong, to do what he did but the media is sleezy as well.

  5. Speaking as a republican I believe he should step down as a state delegate.
    I believe we republicans must stand firm that we hold not only higher moral standards but also higher ethical standards then the democrats.
    Bottom line by choosing to drink and boat he endangered others and broke a law. This is forgivable but not excusable behaviour we should tolerate from our republican lawmakers.

  6. So which group kills more? Pitbulls or Drunk politicians? Heck, the Kennedys alone probably have a higher kill count then dogs do in this country.

  7. Why is it necessary for this article to mention he is a Republican? I do believe Democrats drink and commit crimes, but you never see their party affiliation mentioned.

    I also believe he should have asked for forgiveness from the families.

  8. @ 12:36
    Because democrats don't have the kickbacks from big business to afford a fancy speed boat like Mr. Dwyer had.

  9. "Because democrats don't have the kickbacks from big business to afford a fancy speed boat like Mr. Dwyer had."

    WHERE have you been?

  10. I think it's time for Mr. Dwyer to do the right thing. Not politically, not popularly, but for the people involved, his family and the affected families. He needs to just regroup and become himself again. This experience may help him do this. We are all human and sometines do stupid crap. Sometimes, the consequences are just a morning hangover. This is the lesson to be learned here.
    Everybody needs to be somewhere, and Mr. Dwyer needs to figure out where he needs to be tomorrow.
    Godspeed, Mr Dwyer, do the right things from now on.


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