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Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Claim: 'Absolute Proof' Obama Was Indonesian Citizen

Obama who wrote a column asserting “The Obama Scandal is at Columbia” says he received a call from a reporter who claims to have “absolute proof” Obama became an Indonesian citizen.

WND has reported since 2008 that an Indonesian school record shows Obama attended school in the Asian nation registered as an Indonesian citizen and as a Muslim.

Wayne Allyn Root, in an interview with fill-in host Joe Pagliarulo on the “Glenn Beck Program,” said he received a phone call at 4 a.m. this morning from an investigative reporter with Breitbart.com probing Obama’s past in Indonesia.



  1. OK , lets see if the MSM releases this or his oponent uses it now after all the tax release bitchin.

  2. And where is Eric Holder on this? They are both crooks.

  3. Just the first sentence of this article makes me want to read more.
    "Obama who wrote a column assserting "The Obama Scandal...
    Masterful writing - graffiti with punctuation.

  4. Really??? Did you also know there is "absolute proof" that Obama is "rat boy"??? Inquiring minds want to know.

  5. Alex;

    If you had bothered to click the more link, you would have seen the first sentence was a typo from the original story.

  6. 10:01 From looking at his ears, you may be right. Either way he's a liar and a thief.

  7. I do not care if his mother took him to Indonesia as a child. He was born in the USA. I do not care if he lived in another country as a child. I do not care if he attended Catholic school, muslim school, home school, etc. as a child. I do not care if his parents wanted him to be a citizen of another country. He was born here of an American mother. That is all I need to know. I believe he is Christian, but I would not care if he practiced another religion. I am old enough to be his grandmother, am a fiscal conservative, moderate to liberal on social issues. I am not stupid, naive, or evil. I don't owe anybody anything other than my mortgage which is almost paid off, and I pay my bills on time. I have never needed or taken any government assistence. I will likely vote for Romney. I say all this because I can hear the labels before they start on this blog. This issue is not important, people. When can we look to some real problems to address?

  8. 10:21 Some of us consider the willingness of a person to cover up their true identity and background a "real problem".

  9. The fact stands that there is no good reason why obama refuses to release pertinent records directly relating to his qualifications to be a US president.
    Obama uttered these words out of his mouth-"Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this Presidency."
    We don't have a president in this country; we have a US Liar in Chief.

  10. If he was born in the US 10:21 then what's is the reason that he refused for years to show his US birth certificate and only recently showed a document that due to a loophole in Hawaii's law, I could get the same live certificate of birth from that state even if I were born in another country?

  11. You are naive 10:21. Only people who have something to hide would refuse for years to show their birth certificate. It's not like it's a hard thing to do, is it?

  12. I believe he was born not in the US because there was no way his family could afford to be flying back and forth between Africa, Indonesia and the US. Air fare back in the early 60's was the same as it is today which back then was alot of money and adjusted for today would even still be more than we pay today.

  13. 10:21 It doesnt do any good to stick your head in the sand.

  14. I thought he was half black. His mom is white and his day doesn’t look black.

  15. 1051- So you argue his family could not afford to travel, yet it is well documented his family traveled abroad a lot. That's horse sense right there.

  16. There's is no way his mother nor his family could have afforded to fly back and forth between here and the places in question. Anything concerning Obama even if it is "well documented" is questionable.
    His mother left this country and didn't return for years and anything else is a myth.

  17. He has shown his birth certificate. While we're on it, where's Romney's tax info. He must be hiding something, right?!

  18. 10:21, you'll get nowhere with a voice of reason here. The yokels are always sure they know everything! Especially those who have never stepped foot outside the good ole Eastern Shore. I get your point - this is not an issue to get your pants in a knot about. But if you can't beat him at polls, let's make sure we have an excuse! Go figure.

  19. Common sense dictates that Romney isn't hiding anything because if he were the IRS would have had him a long time ago. The only thing relevant about his tax returns is that they were done legally-period-which they obviously were.
    Reid and Obama only want them released to make people envious because they both are dividers of the nation and want to drag everyone down to their level of dishonesty.

  20. All this does not matter, we are going to continue to be ruled by politicians who are only in it to enrich their own pockets. Rommey or Obama it does not matter. One has the gift of gab, and the other is the King of the flipflop. Is this the best this country can do?? Really, it is just so frustrating. More than anything (including a President with a birth cert.) is term limits. Lets see if we can get Andy to lead the Congress on this one.

  21. Obama is not half black. He is the first Arab-American President, not the first black President.

    Obama is 50% Caucasian from his mother's side and 43.75% Arabic and 6.25% African Negro from his father's side.

    While Barack Hussein Obama's father was from Kenya , his father's family was mainly Arabs.. Barack Hussein Obama's father was only 12.5% African Negro and 87.5% Arab (his father's birth certificate even states he's
    Arab, not African Negro)

  22. 12:38 okay then why did it take so long for BO to produce his certificate of live birth? What's your excuse for that? If that isn't a clue that something is afoul then what is? Any "voice of reason" would be asking those questions. If he didn't have anything to hide he would have posted his birth cerificate online when first asked about it in 2008-end of story. You can do all the name calling you wish but it isn't going to change the fact that he hid for some reason his creditials.

  23. Dear 10:21 I see you like to ignore all those "meaningless problems", so please explain to us, how come Mr. O has been using Social Security Number assigned to a dead man from Connecticut?

  24. 12:19 If there was something wrong with Romneys tax returns, IRS would be there long time ago and you know why? You forgot Secretary of Treasury Tim Geithner was Tax Cheat himself and guess who apponted him? If you guessed Mr. O, you guessed right!

  25. PresO surrounds himself with inept puppets that he can manipulate. They are all after something and they have destroyed our great nation. Yet everybody was so eager to elect the great O without asking some hardcore questions, and when they did, preso, went onto TV, radio, newspapers rallying his people. Perhaps the nation would have been better served to have elected someone with knowledge, and experience rather than wouldn't it be cool to elect a black president with no experience. I strong believe that whoever is our president should have experience both in business and military and not be afraid to give his college and birth information to the voting people. We all seem so concerned with IRS records of our president, what not their birth certificate, and education? Are they not equally important??


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