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Monday, August 06, 2012

City Police Response To Destressed Dog

Yesterday I called the City Police to 404 Vine St residence where a dog was tied, with what appeared to be about a 3-4 ft chain. ( I believe our County Laws state a dog tied out has to have 6 or 7 feet of chain.) This dog had NO Shelter what-so-ever----only a tree near by !! It was said by the neighborhood children, the dog had no food or water for 2 days as the owners were gone for the week end.

After seeing what I could of the dogs situation, I called in to report to the police. A gentleman on that street let me know the Police came & stayed almost an hr. at the residence.

Thank you City Police for your help in the matter!!!!!! I rode by today----the dogs chain is longer & he now has a house. Food or water-----I do not know, as I can't really see.

Concerned Advocate for Animals


  1. I really don't understand why people even have pets that treat them like this... I breaks my heart to see dogs chained to trees.

  2. God bless the people who called in and those who helped the poor dog. Their reward will be great. Keep up the good work. Heartless !@#$%^&& people for doing that to their pet. What trash!

  3. While driving around Salisbury today, I noticed many houses and properties in need of attention and repair. I called the code inspector and reported the addresses and violations. It is time we take control back over of out city.

  4. That's just fantastic..glad there are still some who care...you did the right thing...and as for the owners..maybe they shouldn't have animals...

  5. No, they shouldn't have aninmals. They use to have 2 dogs there. A few yrs ago when there was so much snow---they were called in on again----the animals didn't have adequate shelter at that time either. That
    Spring when riding by----noticed there was only one dog left. I felt the other one might have froze to death---but don't know that as a fact.
    If you people can't take care of your animals like they should be---give them away & have a Security Alarm put on your houses--
    that is All you are using the poor helpless defenseless creatures for anyway!


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