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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Zimmerman Says He Was Not Pursuing Trayvon Martin

In his first lengthy TV interview, neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman said Wednesday he wanted to apologize to Trayvon Martin's parents for fatally shooting their son but insisted he was not pursuing the teenager on the rainy night they confronted one another.

When asked in a nationally televised interview by Fox News host Sean Hannity what he would tell the teen's parents, he said "I'm sorry," and that he would be open to talking to them about what happened the night of the shooting.



  1. Just wait and see, he will be found inosent, and the blacks will burn and riot to steal stuff.

  2. I'm sorry, but I don't believe a thing this guy says. Good thing I won't be on his jury because I think he's full of crap.

  3. Nice to know we have a judge and jury right here before a trial. Judge not!

  4. This is the way Obama divides the Country with race; made a big deal about this shooting to incite the blacks!

  5. I believe him and he did pass several lie detectors.

  6. I'm sorry but I personally think his lawyer made a bad choice to let him do an interview. It just gives the press more fodder to try and convict him. I don't believe he will be able to get a fair trial.


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