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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

That‘ll Show ’Em: ‘National Same Sex Kiss Day’ Coming to a Chick-fil-A Near You

Okay, let’s see if we can get this sorted out:

Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy said in a recent interview that his company supports the “traditional family unit” and, therefore, opposes gay marriage.

“We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that,” Cathy said.



  1. For all those young folks who still support Nobama and the libbie's - this is what you will get if you ignore what's happening in our great country.

    Not a big deal? Well maybe not on it's face but consider this - when a conservative or any other point of view is ridiculed in this country and shut up and shouted down we have a serious - and I mean serious - problem.

    Our founders thought the debate that is a product of free speech was the only way for people to remain truly free.

  2. I am a moderate who is in favor of gay marriage. That being said, I am discouraged at the dialog surrounding this situation. If you do not agree with Chick-Fil-A's position, then do not do business at their restaurant. It is well-known that the organization is Bible-based so why is it such a big surprise when they oppose gay marriage? I personally don't like their food so it's easy for me to chose another restaurant. Freedom of speech applies to ALL--not just who's side you happen to be on.

  3. So if Christias don't believe in their way of life they are the bad people, yet when they don't believe in our way of life it's called freedom of speech.

  4. Enough already....give it a rest. Everybody has there opinion. Just because CFA doesn't agree with gay marriage doesn't mean you badger or harp on there stance. This is more or less, the bulk of the problem. Trying to force it on society that doesn't accept it.

  5. Like I said, Gays have to constantly be the center of attention. They have to force their values on everyone else and make everyone else validate their life choices OR ELSE. Look at me!! Look at me!! Tell me how pretty I am!!!


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