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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Judge to black perps: What are you doing with your lives?

Judge William Harrington could not take it any more: After six years of looking out over his Atlanta courtroom, dealing with “murders, rapes, robberies and home invasions,” he suddenly realized “99.9 percent (of the defendants) were Afro-American.”

So he kicked all the white people out of the court room, then scolded the black defendants: “I simply said to the young people, ‘what in the world are you doing with your lives?’” he told Atlanta television reporter Jaquitta Williams.

Some thought the judge’s actions a bit unusual. But a white Atlanta court visitor explained it thus: “People of color talk more freely among themselves.”



  1. Duh . . . How about, "what are you doing to other people's lives?"

  2. Obama-nights at court!

  3. It's African-Americian NOT Afro- Americian

  4. It's African-Americian NOT Afro- Americian

    July 11, 2012 11:16 PM

    Most of these 'people' couldn't find africa on a map.

    They are a blight on this country, a blight to their neighbors, a blight to themselves.

    They have no upbringing, they have no sense of right and wrong, no sense of decency.

    All they know is it's everyone's fault but their own.

    They are uneducated or under-educated at best.

    They want to get high, have the bling bling, have the cash, etc. But they have no idea how to get it except to rob, steal and take whatever they want.

    They are rabid dogs with no cure except death. They cannot be redeemed because first and foremost, they don't want to be.

    They see nothing wrong with what they do. They feel they are entitled to everything they want, regardless of the manner in which they get it.

    They fill our prisons. They taunt anyone of authority. They claim some ridiculous story that they were brought here against their will, but yet, will not leave.

    They feel they are entitled to any and all things. They are a cancer that has to be eradicated.

    Most refuse to be educated, to be productive members of society.

    Of course not all fit these descriptions. Some are just the opposite of these slime, dregs, drains of society.

    The cure for a rabid animal is for it to be put down.

    The same cure is needed for these rabid 'people'.

    Call it racist, call it prejudiced, call it what you will.

    It is what it is and it has to be stopped if society is to continue to thrive.

    We have to kill the virus or it will take over and kill the host.

  5. 11:16
    Maybe you should really look it up. There are even newspapers named The Afro-American. So tell me which part of Africa do you come from?

  6. Retired Detroit CopJuly 12, 2012 at 9:02 AM

    Just like I said earlier this week, but Joe was too scared to publish it, I locked up 99.9% Black people and said that I don’t know of any Blacks that are any good. Everyone I ever met was bad. This Judge also has never seen any good Black people either. We need to get ready for a real war on our streets, the race war, which the Black Panthers have said they want. Get ready white folks, it is coming.

  7. The defendants in question are a disgrace to Africa


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