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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Daily Times Grapevine Comment Today

Salisbury Mall revisited

As I drove down Civic Avenue recently, I wondered why I haven't seen any Grapevine comments from the folks whose lives were being ruined by the sight of the old derelict Salisbury Mall. Now it's demolished and I assume their lives must be vastly improved. Their health is restored, their bills are all paid, their marriages are enhanced, they became fit and better-looking and their children must now be getting straight A's. We never hear from them anymore.


  1. The aforementioned is correct.As long as absolutely nothing is done to that property (other than the Civic Center parking lot)the previous complainers will be happy.

  2. No, they're all still the miserable people they were before. The Barrie Tilghman/Mike Dunn gang of old mall complainers got the razed building and a pile of rubble. They haven't been heard from since. But where's our $14 million in TIF money gone to?

  3. While it is easy to dump on any current or former administration regarding this project its inactivity and lack of progress is more aptly tied to the current economy than any person or group. Until banks and institutional lenders are willing to engage in real estate ventures, I doubt you will see any movement. Regarding the TIF, I certainly would hope that the benefits of the TIF are tied in some way to the actual construction progress of the project???

  4. And now that it's torn down we no longer have an ugly liability. What's the down side here? It wasn't just the sight of the thing, it was a hazard. If there had been some incident resulting in injuries and a lawsuit no doubt the grapewhiner would be the first to wonder why nothing was done to remove it. The town is better off with the nice neat pile of rubble tyvm.

  5. Speaking of a pile of rubble, I thought that the City had until sometime in 2013 to actually clean up the pile before some sort of penalties are placed on them. If anyone has any info on this please share it with the rest of us.

  6. If Ireton really wants to reduce stormwater run-off from impervious surfaces, he should start with the Old Mall parking lot. We gave the developers $14,000,000 to do it!

    You can barely see the old parking lot from all the weeds that also aren't compliant with city code. If it was any one of us, we'd get a citation to cut it or the city would have it cut and charge us an arm and a leg.

  7. the toxic runoff from that pile is really bad, please somebody report on this!


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