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Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Wisconsin's Recall Drama Down To Nail-Biting Finish

Wisconsin's recall is, as reporter John Nichols put it, the kind of "renegade politics" that are disdained by the national Democratic party and even some state Democrats. It is being driven by the same activists who turned out by the thousands to occupy their capitol when Governor Scott Walker attacked workers' right to organize and bargain collectively.

Now, a day before the biggest recall yet—of Governor Walker, Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch, and four Republican state senators—the fight will be won or lost where it began: on the ground.

There's a lot of big outside money pouring into Wisconsin, mostly to pump up Walker's attempt to hang on to his seat, but the one thing that money can't buy is an excited, driven grassroots movement. If Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett beats Walker on Tuesday, it will be because of thousands of volunteers getting out the vote person by person.

"This is really a case of Walker raising $13 million against possibly the most widespread grassroots get-out-the-vote effort in the state's history," Matt Reiter, co-president of the Teaching Assistants' Association at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, told AlterNet.



  1. Since the democrats think budgets dont matter and unsustainable pay and benefits for state workers are no big deal; why dont we simply stop collecting taxes from anyone and just print money as we need it?

    That is exactly what we are doing now anyhow. We can just pick the pace up a bit and have a big party!

  2. I can't believe you even post this blatant deceptive post. If ANYONE has benefitted from outside cash it is the Democrat side, they have gotten millions from Unions. Walker has threatened the chokehold of the Unions and by doing so has created prosperity and job growth by allowing citizens to have choices. Woew, that is really terrible. But go ahead and post your Communist ideology.


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