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Tuesday, June 05, 2012

State Of Florida To Ignore Governor Rick Scott

The state of Florida told the Justice Department they intend to ignore its demand that Governor Rick Scott end his illegal purge of Democratic voters in the Sunshine State. Despite being informed via a DOJ letter they were in violation of the Voting rights Act last week – officials in Governor Scott's government are pressing forward with a massive effort to kick mostly Democratic-leaning and poor people off the voting rolls. The Florida Secretary of State's office responded to the DOJ letter saying, "We are going to continue forward and do everything that we can legally do to make sure that ineligible voters cannot vote." However, there's overwhelming evidence that legal residents are having their voting rights stripped away in this voter purge. Democratic Senator Bill Nelson has called for an end to the voter purge – as has the Democratic Party Chairman in Broward County – and the Miami Herald newspaper, which uncovered evidence that most of the voters to be removed from the roles were minorities and Democrats – and very few were Republicans. Now – investigative reporter Lee Fang has uncovered a possible connection between the Florida voter purge and major right-wing political donors. As Fang reports – Former Florida Secretary of State Kurt Browning – who began the voter purge – previously led a Conservative group called "Protect Your Vote Inc." – which received a $100,000 check from another organization that receives much of it's funding from the billionaire oligarchs the Koch Brothers. The Koch Brothers are also behind funding to the American Legislative Exchange Council – which has churned out numerous statewide Voter ID laws to make it harder for Democratic voters to vote. So, it's pretty obvious why Governor Rick Scott is refusing to end his illegal voter purge. It's because he no longer thinks he has to answer to the nation's democratically-elected federal government. Instead – he – and other Republican Governors around the nation – now answer to the new Oligarchy of the United States – billionaires headed up by people like the Koch brothers.


  1. So if we follow the logic in this story it basically says that most illegal voters are democrat voters.

  2. There is no logic. This is a hit piece written by a liberal trying to tone it down. (just a notch)
    Even at that, the perspective is blatantly obvious.

    What don't the democrat/socialists understand? if you are in this country illegally, a convicted felon, dead, or voting for someone else, it is against the law.
    You would think even the dense liberal brain would want to abide by the law instead of fighting it with the diversion of a completely irrelevant racist argument.

    Nobama 2012

  3. The title is wrong on this. Should say the State of Florida to ignore the Justice Department.

  4. Let me get this straight.the U.S. government wants one of our states to stop enforcing the law.That.s what it boils down to.Somethings got to change in this administration to preserve our freedom.


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