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Friday, June 22, 2012

Did Mayor Jim Ireton Make The Call, You Decide?

Starting from the beginning, several weeks ago I received a letter from the Comptroller's Office in Maryland challenging me by suggesting I have been renting Office space AND apartments in my Downtown property. The letter was quite alarming because I have not been renting office space OR apartments during the period in question. I contacted that individual where I stated my case and they said they had it on good authority that it was true. I responded by telling this person they had been lied to.

I later came to learn that Sheriff Mike Lewis and States Attorney Matt Maciarello had been investigating me ever since I announced my intent to run for Mayor. Sound familiar Folks??? Yeah, I have been through this many times in the past and clearly even with new the leadership, not much has changed in Salisbury, Maryland. That in itself is very unfortunate. You have to ask yourself WHY? Why was the Grandmother of the Foxwell Family STAGED to do her speech immediately after the Thomas Leggs trial? NO ONE else went to every hearing during that case in the Media. I heard it all and I wrote notes throughout the whole thing and there's only ONE individual who could stand in their way in the next elections.

Moving on, out of nowhere a few weeks ago I get a call in which I still stand firm on as being Mayor Jim Ireton. His call came in at 11:24 PM on a Saturday night. I'm not going to get into the condition but I will tell you that questions came up in that conversation about my platform and what I planned on doing as Mayor for the City. I refused to answer those questions over the phone but stated I would be more than happy to meet with Jim in person. I was then invited to his Office the next day. He stated he would pick up lunch at Panera Bread and meet me there at noon. You know the rest of the story.

I contacted Councilwoman Debbie Campbell because I wanted to know where Jim lived. I became very concerned because Jim seemed very depressed and after recently losing someone in our community I simply wanted to go by his home and make sure he was ok, since he had not returned any of my calls or text messages. Debbie suggested that it would be best to contact Chief Barbara Duncan and you know the rest of that part of the story.

In yesterday's press conference, Mayor Ireton expressed what I took as anger that Debbie Campbell and I had the Chief go to his home to check on him. He went on to say that three Council Members had already made up their minds on who was going to be the next Mayor, (me) and chastised them for their alleged position with me. I want YOU to recognize right here and now how Mayor Jim Ireton took the opportunity to tie those three to Joe Albero, (don't forget that throughout this article). The Chief called me and stated "no crime" had been committed and wanted me to give her permission to subpoena my phone records. I immediately thought, WHY? Why would I want to turn my phone records over when I had already been to the SPD and showed Officers the incoming call and Chief Duncan admitted yesterday that I had done so and that the Officers had confirmed it was Ireton's number. I told the Chief I wanted to contact my attorney and ask their advice. I did not return a call to Chief Duncan.

I have absolutely learned from the Chief this morning that she did in fact subpoena my phone records. Records in which I take EXTREMELY seriously. It is NOT her business NOR the Mayor's business who calls my telephone, NOR is it of the Daily Times, I think you can see why and I think you'll agree. However, as stated below today, the Daily Times even stated, "the editor's number showing up in Albero's phone records". Funny how after my phone records became available that Ireton would tie three Council Members into that Press Conference!

At the end of yesterday's press conference Chief Duncan said time and time again, no crime had been committed. So HOW did they get my phone records?

In today's Daily Times article they stated, and I quote,

Complicating the incident, Gaudette is the roommate of a Daily Times reporter who has since resigned citing her knowledge of the situation and failure to disclose the information to officials. A Daily Times editor was also drawn into the investigation when Gaudette made a prank call to him the same night, while disguising his number as that of Albero's. When the editor later saw the missed call he dialed the unfamiliar number, which because of the "spoofing" technology had appeared as Albero's.

This resulted in the editor's number showing up in Albero's phone records on the same night as the prank call.

According to police reports, the editor did not learn until talking to police that he had inadvertently called Albero.

Now I ask you, look closely at the image below. Look at the TIME in which BOTH calls came in.

How is it possible that what the Daily Times stated in today's article is possible. HOW can they allegedly spoof me and talk to me for 7 minutes and 38 seconds, then allegedly spoof Joe Carmean, (Editor of the Daily Times) at the exact same time??? How convenient, eh? Some investigation, especially when the SPD never contacted me about MY side of the story while they were investigating. How can the investigation be closed? How could Carmean have called me back AFTER they spoofed me and then called him and BOTH calls are for the exact same time?

Wouldn't it only be fair to ASK me everything that was stated in the CONVERSATION to decide if it was a political ploy, IF this was in fact an alleged spoof phone call? Where is Joe Albero's justice in all of this? The Chief has informed me that I am welcome to go to the Commissioner and file whatever I'd like and they would move forward from there. Hmmmmm.

The Daily Times article fails to mention that someone from the Daily Times that was involved lied to the Police, yet the Mayor wanted to point the finger at Council Members for causing so much of a problem. Isn't lying to Police in an investigation a criminal offense? The Mayor stated time and time again yesterday calling me out by name and stating I was a "Delaware Blogger". I will repeat again, I met with the Mayor at the Salisbury Festival some time ago BEFORE I mentioned to any of you my intent to run for Mayor. He said, you can't, your not a Maryland resident. I pulled out my wallet, pulled out my MARYLAND Driver's License and showed it to him. The Mayor continues to "defame" me with the intent to plant in people's minds I am not a Maryland resident or qualified to run for Mayor. The Mayor has stated on PAC 14 that a candidate running for Mayor isn't even a Maryland resident AFTER he has personally seen my Driver's License.

The Mayor went on yesterday suggesting that Joe Albero knew for a fact that it was a prank call and even to this day continues to state it was Jim Ireton who called me. Look Folks, not only am I an alleged victim of this event, the Police never interviewed me NOR did they give me access to the Police Report until YESTERDAY. Even with that being said, we got our hands on the Police report and were told after only a few minutes to give it back to them, (illegally) and told me I'd have to file a FOIA request to get it. Then we watched the Daily Times in front of Jim Ireton take pictures of every page so they didn't have to FOIA a copy, the very same people who created this whole thing to start with. Besides that, why should I, (as an alleged victim) be required to file a FOIA request on an investigation involving me?

Ireton went on in the Press Conference and I'll quote again from the Daily Times article today, "At the news conference, Ireton said he received a call from Gaudette on Wednesday night "expressing his sincere apology for what he caused and what he did and for any problem that it caused me as the mayor."

REALLY? The Mayor was feeling SORRY for the alleged person who allegedly made the alleged prank call, yet attacked me personally AND three Council Members? Now why would the Mayor give sympathy towards this person? As I stated yesterday, could it be that the Mayor made the call? Could it be that they used Joe Carmean's phone first, (look at the times of BOTH calls) hung up and then called me from his cell phone? Could it be convenient at this point and time to say what the Daily Times has said because they cannot deny a call came in from Joe Carmean's cell phone? Could it be they didn't think this thing out well enough after a night of partying?

I'd like to know, if you've followed this Blog long enough, recall how desperate the former Police Chief wanted to subpoena my phone records to get my sources. Other public figures were desperate to gain access to my sources as well. SOUND FAMILIAR? I was told by Chief Duncan NO CRIME had been committed and she needed my permission to get my records, yet they went ahead and got them anyway. Then all of a sudden the Mayor starts calling out three Council Members in a Press Conference whereas they had NOTHING to do with it. How did the Mayor know anything, unless perhaps he has seen my phone records?

Ladies and Gentlemen, be VERY afraid of what is going on right now. Be VERY afraid that this Mayor would feel SORRY for an alleged person who allegedly made the spoof call! Be VERY afraid that when and if you disagree with a Sheriff, a States Attorney, a Mayor and so on that the State will open investigations on you. That other investigations will pop up and you find yourself at the end of politically driven retaliation investigation/s.

IF I am arrested for something, anything, know that there are certain powers to be behind it. Know that they are doing everything they can to include three Council Members in that triangle. I have been in these battles before and walked away victorious. This is ALL about politics and the intent to defame.

Joe Albero can and will be the next Mayor of Salisbury, with your support. They know that Joe Albero will stand up and fight for ALL of us and speak the TRUTH, no matter the cost. Joe Albero is not a criminal. Joe Albero has never been out to cheat anyone.

This whole thing could have disappeared the very next day IF Jim Ireton would have returned my calls or text messages. Look, we've all done stupid things in our lifetime. If Jim had called me and said, Joe, I didn't make that call but I'm having it investigated. That would have ended it. Jim could have called and said, Joe, I screwed up and I'm sorry for the call. It would have dropped instantly. However, YOU really have to look at this whole thing, along with all the other things I'm mentioning and see it for what it really is. Why was Sarah Lake sitting in the Press Conference yesterday? I want you to know I walked right up to her and said, SHAME ON YOU for what you have done.

In the end they want to tie Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen and Tim Spies purposely to Joe Albero in the hopes of bringing them down with me. Ladies & Gentlemen, we do deserve better than this. If you'll look at Court Records on Monday I have filed a lawsuit against Mayor Jim Ireton for defamation of character in the attempt to discredit me as a potential candidate. I told you yesterday I wasn't playing around.

While I have been defamed, do I take the high road and walk away from this lawsuit filed today? Hasn't the City of Salisbury been defamed enough?

I want Mayor Ireton to publicly state that he does recognize me as a qualified resident and candidate of Salisbury, Maryland. The ball is now in his court. If the Mayor will in fact publicly admit I am a resident I will reconsider my legal position.

I'd like to add the following. The other day Greg Bassett of the Daily Times laid out several standards he pledged to his readers they would follow. They NEVER got the other side, (from me). They NEVER mentioned me as a potential Mayoral candidate in any of their articles. They NEVER stated sbynews.com, just that I am a Blogger. When I read the article the other day and then this one, I came to the conclusion that the Daily Times truly believes their readers are just plain challenged. I'll add, stay tuned for next weeks announcement from the Court House.

You have to wonder why the local Main Stream Media only talk about Joe Albero when certain powers to be stage irate individuals willing to publicly attack me to sell papers and ads. Long Live Salisbury News!

Draw your own conclusion to this whole mess. I wouldn't be too quick to feel sorry for Mayor Jim Ireton. Ireton stated, "I will not be distracted by this. Why? And this is very very important: Because the truth is the truth," No Jim, YOU only have and know half the truth on this matter. I'd be more than happy to meet with the Mayor and discuss the entire matter, if he's willing to do so. Just remember Folks, Sarah Lake has been a close ally with the Mayor. Don't you question WHY they would do such a thing? It certainly isn't because the Daily Times wants to see Joe Albero as the next Mayor. Read between the lines. Talk about a massive scandal. Some are talking about impeachment.

The Daily Times added: Taking advantage of the media presence at the news conference, Ireton went on to accuse the council majority of holding up serious issues because of the upcoming election.

Please, do tell me in case I missed something. Isn't the "upcoming election" in April of NEXT YEAR?


  1. After you are elected mayor, I hope your first order of business is firing Duncan. With all available prejudice.
    The very same prejudice and malice they (the cronie network) are exhibiting to you now.

  2. All this over a stupid phone call!!!!!

    Isn't there more things in Salisbury to worry about?

  3. Hey Joe, there is a reason why your web site runs slow on start up... Its because its being watched by Big Brother.

  4. Take them down, all of them... even if I have to help you pay for it...

    Bring them down, Now...

    I can vouch that the SPD is corrupt... Even heard it from people WHO WORK THERE...

  5. That photo proves they are all lying.

  6. How can anyone investigate a case involving a prank call without contacting the person who received the call? Something smells.

  7. The daily rag has lost all credibility. You need to contact the attorney general office.

  8. Attorney general's office is a good idea. I think the whole motivation behind this was just to get at your phone records. They (major and chief) needed some reason to do so and they came up with this plot. I think it backfired on them and they are trying to cover their butts now. Something does smell rotten in Salisbury.

  9. Did you have an interview with channel 47 yet? You know, the "other side" of the story they were looking for?

    Will they be broadcasting something about it on tonight's news?

  10. Good luck to you Joe. Unfortunately, the TRUTH is not always victorious. It's amazing what power drunk people will do to facilitate a lie for their own gain. I'll be watching and praying for you to be victorious and expose the truth to all.

  11. I can't wait to see the change in Salisbury once Joe is mayor. Change for the better definately!!

  12. Daddio, no, WMDT failed to show up yesterday. I spoke with them this morning and they have decided to just let it go. They stated that they will not air anything the Mayor had to say either.

  13. Thank you, and keep up the good work!!

  14. 47 should reconsider their decision. This is a potential time bomb (good exposé) with all the corruption that is evident these days ...

  15. Daddio, The local media is very afraid of a lawsuit. Funny, the Daily Times doesn't seem to be though, eh? Next week is a whole new week though.

  16. I thought Sarah Lake was the one fired/resigned over this? Why was she at press conference? +

  17. I don't always agree with Joe but this smells. I hope they all get what's coming.

  18. WTh is wrong with these people. These are suppose to be people we can trust. People voted for Ireton and expect him to act like an adult. I know he works with children (king of scary if you think about it) but he doesn't need to act like the ones he works with at the BOE. The DT is our local newpaper (cough cough) yet they print the lies that they do. How in the world can we trust any of these people when they want to play games like middle school brats. I trust NONE of them they have ALL lied.

    1. He should not be around kids at all he was screaming and using profanity at my kids a few years ago because a ball went in his yard. I hope he reads this because I really would like to express my opinion to him face to face but from what I've heard he's a COWARD.

  19. It is important to get the other side. I'm amazed at how if you hadn't put up this picture showing what time the daily times reporter actually called you we all might have just gone on believing the investigation was over. Like the other person said this stinks.

  20. I knew that thing was staged with the grandmother and wboc. You should write that book Joe.

  21. People wonder why Salisbury gets the reputation that it has. The Mayor should have been professional and kept this quiet. He should have returned your call like you said. I heard Mrs. Mitchell going on about Salisburys bad reputation and then the mayor goes and pulls this stunt. Joe, I hope you get elected and make the right kind of changes for the better. I'm so sorry your going through all of this. Oh, the daily times should be shut down and the reporter should be arrested for lying to police.

  22. Like I mentioned on the last article, I would not doubt if Sarah Lake is either getting a job with the city or is laying low for a month and will be rehired by the DT.

    They are trying very hard to make this go away so people will forget about it and then you will see troll, I mean Sarah start back to work again.

    I would not doubt it they are trying to get a subpoena of IP's from this website as well.

    Anyone got a picture of Duncan and Webster hanging out?

  23. How dare they go after your phone records. It seems clear to me the dt's has seen them according to what I read today. I will never buy another paper from them as long as I live.

  24. Did anyone else notice that the police admitted they got Joe's phone records......then the DT admitted they had seen them? How can the police share that information?
    If this doesn't scream corruption I don't know what would.

  25. There are to many unanswered questions here. This all thing is scary.

  26. Read between the line and I did. I think they did all of this just to get your phone records Joe. If "they" will go through all of this to see who you are talking to,"they" are totally out of control.

  27. After this I am more and more convinced Salisbury has it own organized crime syndicate and they all hold public office.

  28. I dont understand how a judge can sign off on a subpoena on YOUR phone records and not Jimbos records, this sounds like it is going farther than you think.

  29. Anonymous said...
    I knew that thing was staged with the grandmother and wboc. You should write that book Joe.

    June 22, 2012 2:15 PM

    AGREED! Heads will roll if you decide to do a tell all. I just know it.

  30. If they have your phone records and you did not give them permission, they are in deep doo doo. No probable
    cause to justify ILLEGAL SEARCH and SEIZURE.

  31. Innocent people are going to jail because the cops in this area are just plain dirty!

  32. How ----ing stupid do they think we are?? Case closed my ass! We need an internal audit done on the City, The City Police, The Sheriff's Office and The State's Att. Office. We need help in this town now!

  33. Hope those phone records do not go as far back as the Ocean City PD debacle a few months back, Dipino would love to have her hands on that info.

    Come to think of it anyone that has called you lately should double check to make sure they are not being "investigated" as well.

  34. Its a long read but very informative. I support you Joe even as difficult as this is to believe.

    I too am done with the Daily Times. Mr. Bassett put his foot in his mouth yesterday.

  35. Joe you know more then you are saying about all of this. This is larger then it appears isn't it?

  36. Anonymous 2:42pm I bet good money some of the so-called few doing the "investigating" are on the list of the original investigation. Hey "guys" you can't have both ways forever!

  37. WTF? No wonder the City and County have lost their way! Youve got a qu##r as Mayor, a rookie STates Atty, and Police Chief thats wants to be a man and a Sherriff with Napoleon complex! WOW! What a sitcom that would make!! PLEASE get in there JOE!!!!

  38. What you are saying is that as the victim you can't have a copy of the report. Your phones records are now floating around all this offices. And no one called you to inform you of any conclusion to this case. If this is how they run an investigation I can only hope I am never a victim of a crime in Salisbury!

  39. Tempest is a teapot.

  40. "This will not do, this simply will not do!"

  41. The 1st stone has been cast. Follow the trial people, follow the trail.

  42. An average person would have crack under the press by now. You have proven to be above average and with great moral caliber Joe. You will have my vote Sir.

  43. And the Plot Thickens

    To Be Continued........

  44. As a victim of the prank call Joe, it's hard to believe that you were not afforded a copy of the police report without filing a request. Got to be more to this story, it does stink worse now than it did before the press conference.

  45. anonymous 2:45, you better believe there's more to this. I'm leaving THAT in the hands of my attorneys. I told you guys the other day that a very powerful political attorney out of Baltimore called me and let me know he'd ba happy to take on my case pro bono. I can also tell you that OTHER people have now been questioned and I'm confident this attorney will represent us. YOUR elected officials are abusing their power, just as Ireton keeps claiming I am not a resident. Think about it, who will pay to represent him while he knowingly and willingly lies to the public, you do. These are amateur wanna be politicians who are running a multi million dollar business. Do you really want to cast your vote towards a man who will openly lie just to win an election because he can't win on his track record?

    Think about it. I do NOT want to go this route but the Mayor has to stop playing these games.

    To the rest of you nay sayers. Just because the Police Chief has closed this investigation, (without interviewing me or providing information) don't you think for a minute I believe ANYTHING that has been printed in the Daily Times. I got a 7:38 second phone call from Jim Ireton. I still to this day have NOT seen ANYTHING proving any different. If YOU want to wear tin hats and believe something YOU have never seen, (which is proof) then you go right ahead and believe it. Until I am given clear evidence of anything other than what I know to be true, (and so should you) then don't buy it.

    The Daily Times has covered up names, facts and no one has been arrested for impersonating a public official. It's illegal to impersonate a Police Officer, right? Well, who's Chief Duncan's boss? The Mayor is her boss, that's who.

  46. Not only was I not given the police report, REMEMBER NOW, The Chief of Police NOT Mayor Ireton would give me any date, time or location of this Press Conference.


  47. Joe, I found this on a reputable "spoofing" service, Intellas Communitcations. It's in the FAQ's section.

    "How do I control the name that shows up on Caller ID?

    No caller ID spoofing company can control the name that is displayed on Caller ID. The reason for this is because it is controlled by the phone company of the person being called, and cannot be overridden"

  48. Be Safe My Friend.

  49. Go ahead Joe, I hope you get an attorney and open up this dead can'O worms. Most of us caring citizens in this city are ready for this foolishness to come to a head. Pop them like a zit Joe!

  50. Hope they are keeping a Dairy because it gets very hard remembering all the lies.

  51. How did it get this bad?

  52. I was happy with the majority council's decsion to hire Duncan, now I'm just not sure how I feel. Too many questions to be answered.

  53. Why is it that Progressive Liberals all make the same mistake that Nixon made. Do a stupid thing then try to cover it up, rather than saying OOPS. I made a boo boo. Sorry. Guess that requires a set of human morals.

  54. Oh what a tangled web they weave.
    The lies will catch up with all guilty parties.

  55. I prank called someone back in 3rd grade and all i got was a spanking. This has gone way too far

  56. I honestly thnk Ireton made that phone call. Everyone trying to save his @$$.

  57. Drag it out either way. Someone has to be punished. You can not run a town this way and expect it to just go away. How can these people lie to our faces when we pay their paycheck?

  58. Clearly, this conspiracy runs much deeper than most dare even imagine. There is tomfoolery afoot, and Joseph Albero shall clear the air like the aroma of a fine, hand rolled Dom Irrera cigar. I urge all of you Salisbury voters to show your support and get behind Joe as he leads us out of the darkness and into a new era for this, our fair city. The time for games is over! Three cheers for Albero, our Greatest American Hero!

  59. Like the light of a new day, Joe Albero will take office next year and make all of our wishes come true.

    Better downtown parking, honesty from the mayor's office, and integrity with the council.

    I can't believe it myself, but Jim's days as mayor are numbered.

    Who could it be that removes the Ireton scourge from the mayor's office? Believe it or not, it's Joe.

  60. Tempest is a teapot.

    June 22, 2012 2:53 PM

    I'm sorry, that is just too funny to let it go by. lol

    It's tempest IN a teapot.

    Have a nice weekend.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it. If you are that amused by this typo, you must be one boring human. But you did give it a second life, so thanks for that.

  61. Time to get rid of Duncan, Hoppes, Gardner, Pick, Chambers and of course Jim Ireton. He doesn't deserve the respect to be calls Mayor.

  62. The Daily Times conspiring with the hissy-fit throwing Ireton? This is too good to be true.

    Who could it be as our next Mayor? There's only one man.

    It's just Joe!

  63. When did the Police Chief learn of the so called prank? Why didn't they notify the victim of this information? What you are going to see the conclusion of your case on the news?

  64. Joe tell us what is hidden in this mess. More then meets the eye.

  65. About the phone records... Is it possible that Joe Albero himself may have come under some sort of investigation? Related or not related to this "spoof" phone call. If there is sort of cover up or illegal activity on the behalf of the mayors office or PD then that needs investiating, but i do kind of agree with others here.. All this for a phony phone call???

  66. I am proud to call Joe my friend. I will post behind Anonymous because what Joe speaks is true. Powers at be will go after anyone for anything. Joe you are a great person and a honorable man. I will always support you because I believe in you. Keep up the good fight!


  67. Confused and Bewildered!!!!!!!!!

  68. Holy cow. I don't even know what to say.

  69. @3:18 I never cited any sources but I have been saying for days I have yet to come across a "spoofing" app that allows you to pick the NAME AND NUMBER that shows up. Maybe a text messaging app that will allow it but not an app that changed the caller ID and the phone number. And on the WMDT coverage they say and I quote " And there shows up his wifes number after the spoofing app is used" in refernce to the man explaining how the app works. But in the story you never see the phone screen and you never actually see anything that proves at all the app even exsits.

  70. Joe Albero For Mayor

  71. Don't stop digging Joe things need to change.

  72. You have so much support. More then you even know. A lot of us are afraid to openly support you because of the Mike and Matt's out there.

  73. Anonymous said...
    Be Safe My Friend.

    June 22, 2012 3:20 PM

    Ditto Joe Please watch your back Dude.

  74. Ireton needs to be impeached immediately before he further destroys Salisbury, seriously....if these people would lie about something so trivial.....how do they treat the big issues?!?!? Dear miss Duncan! ...what youve done is unbecoming of an officer....if not down right illegal....because your boss said to....will not excuse your actions. With out dought Mr Albero will be Mayor much sooner than you realize. Impeachment proceedings should begin immediately.

  75. We Love You Mr.Albero!

  76. Barbara is being lead by the nose. This could be be a career killer.

  77. With out dought Mr Albero will be Mayor much sooner than you realize. Impeachment proceedings should begin immediately.

    June 22, 2012 4:53 PM

    That's right. Right after Joe wins yet another lawsuit.

    They never learn do they?

  78. If it's election trouble they're looking for, they've just come across the Salisbury distributor.

    Joe, you're the only one that can save Salisbury from destruction. If you fail... this town will simply turn to dust

  79. Please, do tell me in case I missed something. Isn't the "upcoming election" in April of NEXT YEAR?

    Yes it is and I will there voting for Joe Albero and the change this town needs.

  80. And I don't know if the Mayor's office has the power but he should look for another police chief to replace the boob we have now, obviously.

    Matt is elected so probably can't do much to him in that way. But keep an eye on him Joe.

    And keep an eye out for that comptroller. He/she sounds like bad news also.

  81. Joe...you're coming up against the elected lackeys and their "good ol boy" backers. Keep fighting. They'll say and do anything in an attempt to discredit you, pressure you, and at the end, buy you off when you get elected.

    I've seen it myself, many, many times since moving to the Salisbury area nearly 30 years ago. Something has to change. Keep fighting the good fight Joe!

  82. sometimes I'm embarassed to live here. this is one of those times.

    The small mindedness of all this is just absurd.

    I would like to see anyone running for office make a commitment to only positive comments and actions.

    And to improving the grammar and spelling skills of this community

  83. Does anyone worry about fraud in the election??!!

  84. Joe, like many others I have not always agreed with you but I do check out SBYNEWS several times a day in order to keep up with the goingson in Salisbury and I wish you luck in your seeking office. I must be missing something here...either the contents of the call was very derogatory, etc or something but from what I have read this has gotten waaaaayyyy out of proportion and is not worthy of all this ink. Be a bigger person and ignore what has been deemed a "prank". There are many more problems with Salisbury than crap like this. Again Joe, just my 2 cents worth which is probably all that it is worth.

  85. the chief needs to resign, immediately

    the mayor needs to resign or be impeached, immediately

    the daily times should be closed down

    i'm sure the corrupt cops and mayor will make up some bogus reason for obtaining joe's phone records, in the name of investigation

    if i were you joe, i would let go of the reigns and let attorney's take over

    don't shut this down if our "mayor" tries to come clean

  86. Never thought for one minute that this police chief was a good replacement. She good for a few things , make me another samich , bring me another beer dear , while your at it bring ole jimmy one too.

  87. Which judge signed the subpoena?

  88. Duncan needs to name the name of the spoofing service this person supposedly used because I have yet to find one that does what's been claimed.
    An example of spoofing would be a doctor who has his cell phone programmed to show his office number when he makes calls from his private cell. It shows up as the office phone on the person's display they have called.
    If the person has the office number programmed into their contacts it will name the name, otherwise just the number shows up.

  89. Jack, true to form, you are condoning corruption. It is exactly what this episode exposes. The inherent collusion of local Government and law enforcement utilizing power to lie, cheat, steal, misrepresent, spin and distort truth and justice.
    We are witnessing it first hand here and on the other MSM.
    Duncan and Ireton are acting sophmoric at best even in their attempt to hide and misrepresent.
    Very UN-professional people.

  90. Understand another editor
    at DT was fired this
    afternoon. Can you confirm?

  91. Jack K Richards, I don't think it's about the content of the call at hand here. It's the shift of blame, made up "facts" lack of police uncovering the real truth, and the total acceptance by the MSM, well maybe the "lesser mass media being the DT, of lies told being supported by those in power. The real facts need to be told, even if it was a simple 'drunk dial" that could have been apologized for and let water go under the bridge. No, now they made up a story and want us all to fall for it hook line and sinker.
    Hold feet to the fire now.

  92. Notice how Ireton keeps you away from information but lets the dt's in on everything. I noticed how you weren't invited to yesterdays meeting but people from the dt's were there. If that doesn't show corruption I don't know what else to tell you.

  93. I finally get it.

    Ok, the Daily Times said they spoofed you and then they called this Carmean guy. The 302 number is Carmeans, right? So your saying this couldn't be possible because both calls came in at the same time. Oh this is too funny.

    So in reality it was the mayor who called you and they figured if you went public with it they would say you were spoofed.

    Someone has some explaining to do.

  94. And to improving the grammar and spelling skills of this community

    June 22, 2012 5:32 PM

    lol I hear ya, and even call people out on it.

    Sometimes it's just a typo and I let that slide. I do it myself from time to time.

    But we can tell the really under-educated ones. They repeatedly make spelling and/or grammar mistakes, but sometimes have the nerve to call someone else out on it. lol Too funny.

    And then there are those who use 25 cent words and have no idea the definition of the words.lol Again, too funny.

    But anyway, it won't go away simply because they
    don't know any better.

    Have a nice night/weekend, and keep fighting the good fight.

    That goes double to you Mr. Albero. I'm pretty confident that you will Joe. You have for almost 8 years now.

    You have run bad people 'out of town' before and it looks like they are getting lined up to attack again.

    Bitch slap every single one of these abusers and wastes' of space.

    You have a lot of people behind you. I don't think these sleazeballs realize that....yet.


  95. JImmy Iretons pants are ON FIRE!!!

  96. Anonymous said...
    Understand another editor
    at DT was fired this
    afternoon. Can you confirm?

    June 22, 2012 6:58 PM

    I hope you are right!

  97. Re: 5:52 PM

    The problem with your reasoning is that there is no evidence of spoofing, just a claim. The SPD at the recent "event" simply made a statement without substantiating it. They also stated (multiple times?) that no crime has committed. This isn't SBY politics, this is MD politics. What's changed is that it is becoming more visible as a result of internet. My wife ran for Delegate for one of MD's counties. She lost but got MORE votes per dollar spent in campaigning than any other candidate. The eventual winner lasted only a single term as the eventual favors began to surface.

    I can't vote for Joe because I chose to escape MD's mess years ago. The only thing to slow down or stop MD's political "machine" is to get to the polls in record numbers. That's going to happen I think at the National level with the Presidential election. I could go on and on with the inclusion of Mathias and Conway as well as the Hall brothers in OC. Business as usual needs to stop and NOW.

    OC has another election just around the corner. Many sitting officials are resisting changing voting dates that currently only turn out 25% of those registered. I have seen only one candidate supporting this so far.

    So you see, some individuals are trying to make a difference. The "establishment" however is doing everything in their power to stop this.

    When you walk into YOUR election box, what kind of person will YOU be?

  98. Mr.A, there is nothing I can say that you don't already know. But if I can do anything, you know where I am. How are you and your family holding up? You have a strong hold on "them". May God bless you and your family for letting you do this for Salisbury. You are a better person then me. I would say better man but am a woman. map

  99. Mayor Ireton, just apologize and be done with this mess.

    Why all the drama? You really think the citizens of Salisbury and surrounding areas, need or want all this foolishness?

    Besides being a waste of time; a distraction from more IMPORTANT areas of concern; and a total embarrassment to all of us and YOU, untie your panties, say your sorry and let's move on.

    This story you and others have MANUFACTURED is just not going to fly.

    Admit it, forget it and let's deal with some REAL issues around here, shall we?

    Thank you.

  100. Joe keep up the good fight! If the states attorney's office advised the mayor/police department that is was okay to go after your phone records Matt and his office need to be brought down. Clearly they don't know or understand the laws of this great nation and who are they to investigate you about your rental properties. Matt needs to go!!

  101. First of all I would never condone corruption. Secondly, I have not seen any evidence of "true" corruption, just a "crank" call. Maybe some of you are more knowledgable as to the content than I. Thirdly a have read numerous posts that indicate Corruption with SPD. If so many of you are aware of this so called criminal activties why isn't something being done about it, ie: cite specifics not just hearsay or rumors. I have not read of one example of criminal activities and since Joe is kind enough to allow Anonymous postings one would think that some posters would deal with the aforementioned specifics. Has anyone from SPD been charged with any such actvity. Now you must excuse me if I am missing something since I now reside in Florida and may not be privy to all the information. Would be gland to discuss this w/ anyone who could enlighten me. Again, just my 2 cents worth

  102. 7PM... I disagree that the contents are not important. What I find VERY unimportant is that the Police, having much and many better things to do than mess with this mess unless the content was of a criminal matter, a threat to someones well being etc. C'mon get real.

  103. 9:21 You hit the nail right on the head. Sounds very Mickey Mouse to me and as I stated there are many more problems to solve with out getting the panties in a bunch.

  104. Glad you enjoyed it. If you are that amused by this typo, you must be one boring human. But you did give it a second life, so thanks for that.

    June 22, 2012 10:20 PM

    Gee, I wish I knew what he was talking about. Anybody?

  105. they got your phone records but did anyone get the mayor's?

  106. @JackRichards

    So Mr. Ec police officer. How is it legal for the police to pull Joe's phone records and not the Mayors? How is it PROFESSIONAL for the DT & WMDT at least to cover the story without mentioning Joe barely at all except that he is "some blogger". How is it fair that the Chief of Police never interviewed Joe or got his side of the story. IS that not enough signs of corruption for you? If not maybe you should head back to the academy.

  107. This is today's politics. Deceitful liberals who don't want to hear the truth and try their best to stifle it.

  108. Joe, spend some money and get a team of lawyers to go after everyone involved and make their life hell!

  109. So Mr. Ec police officer. How is it legal for the police to pull Joe's phone records and not the Mayors?
    9:45 AM

    Lemme see if I can answer that for ya.

    It's legal to pull one and not the other, because they didn't want the other?

    Hope that clears it up for you.

  110. @11:15 let me clear this up for you.....if they have NO legal reasoning behind it and Joe did not give the police authority to get his record then it was an illegal seizure of his records and someone else can be sued.

    Hope that clears it up for you.

  111. @11:15 let me clear this up for you.....if they have NO legal reasoning behind it and Joe did not give the police authority to get his record then it was an illegal seizure of his records and someone else can be sued.

    Hope that clears it up for you.

    June 23, 2012 11:58 AM

    thanks for playing the 'Let's be a wiseass' game.

    However, in your rush to be a wiseass, you strayed away from the original question.

    Matter of fact, you start your bs with an 'if'. That two letter word shows us that the rest of your rant is not fact filled, nor do you know what you are talking about.

    The only thing you cleared up, sir, is how much of an ass you are.

    But thanks for playing and better luck next time.

  112. @ 12:16 Thanks Chuck Woolery

    Say the police had cause, Joe would have to have been charged with a crime. I buy the digging for resources theory, the police violated Joe's constitutional rights by illegaly siezing his phone records without his permission or in lieu of committing a crime.

    As a defendent he would have also had the right to face his accuser of said crime.

  113. That number belongs to Joe Carmean. I have had it in my address book for years. I just checked and it is still there.

  114. seriously? all this about a prank phone call? aren't there more important things to worry about.
    Ok I get it they are idiots, let's move on to more important things. Like how the city is being run and all the things that need to be changed.

  115. Why stay on this? Because this is the can opener to open that ugly can'O worms.

  116. Now Lake is calling Joe, that's reason enough to keep this button hot. It's turned into phone harrassment. The FCC takes it seriously

  117. 1139, I was there when Sarah's call came in! It was her and she wanted Joe to , well, I'll let Joe tell that when he wants. She said a few other things, too, but bottom line, it was a call cut short by Joe telling her he didn't have time for her $h1t and don't EVER call me back! It was great! I back Joe with his total honesty approach. The TRUTH always sets one free! Trouble is, many out there are having trouble handling yhe truth.

    What a dang shame!

  118. From the looks of the investigative documents posted on another site, it appears they used your “Complaint” to the police department of the phone call to investigate you for filing a false public report. Now you have your answer as to why they could and did subpoena your cell phone records.
    Interesting you think?

  119. anonymous 3:19, I never filed a complaint.


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