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Monday, June 04, 2012

Defense Team: Zimmerman in Police Custody

George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer charged with murder in the killing of Trayvon Martin, surrendered to police Sunday and was booked into jail after having his bail revoked two days earlier.

Zimmerman's legal team said in a tweet that he was in police custody. Zimmerman's bail was revoked because the judge said he and his wife lied to the court about their finances so he could obtain a lower bond.

On Sunday afternoon, about 40 minutes before the 2:30 p.m. deadline to surrender, Zimmerman was listed as an inmate on the jail website. He was listed as being held without bail and having $500 in his jail account.



  1. His surrender to police upon his bond being revoked is a testament to his not being a flight risk. This judge is a quack. Bond is designed to protect the public from a dangerous person and to prevent a person from fleeing from justice. This guy has never committed a crime of violence in the past and he obvously isn't a flight risk. So why is he being held on bond again? Is he being punished before the trial. I think that's exactly what's happening. I've never heard of a person having their bond revoked because they lied about their ability to pay a bond.

  2. 933, Agree wholeheartedly. Yhe judge is the joke here, I hope he gets out again theis week. This judge just wants a share in the money that others have put up for his legal defense. This is NOT Zim's income! Zim DID NOT LIE ABOUT WHAT HE COULD STAND BEHIND FINANCIALLY! He can only guarantee what he makes as income, no more. Donations for his defense are solely for that, NOT FOR BAIL/BOND money! This "Judge" is a thief.


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