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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Today's Fill In The Blank 5-24-12

The funniest thing I ever saw was _____.


  1. When Joe put the clown face on Jimbo.

  2. I used to work as a mate on The Mast,which was a headboat that took 50 or so people fishing twice a day.It was stationed in the OC inlet.One day while we were out about 15 miles fishing,a guy from New Jersey caught a really nice black bass.Just as he got it to the surface,a huge shark grabbed the black bass.Of course the guy from Jersey was too stupid to let go of the rod.If 2 guys,myself included,had not been standing directly behind him he would have been shark bait.While we each had a leg this guy was still holding onto the rod,shark and all,until the shark finally bit the line in half & went on his way.

  3. the Red Skelton show.

  4. A lady in a grocery store parking lot. She had placed the baby that was in a carrier seat on the ground. She had a cell phone in one hand, a cigarette in the other and was trying to decide which one to get rid of so she could pick the baby up.

  5. Romney as GOP nominee.

  6. Obama as an American citizen.

  7. lmclain's posts on this blog. I love them. Still literally laughing out loud at the special cloth used to wipe their lips off comment today.

  8. Joe Acting like JB in the wig.Laughed my butt off over and over again. Thanks Joe for good time!


  9. Don't remember exactly....it involved my Sister in law, best friend and my daughter in law.....oh yeah and a spider. All different times.


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