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Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Revolution Is Alive

Anybody who thinks Republican nominee Ron Paul has lost his core support obviously wasn’t driving down Cullen St. around 6:30 p.m. Friday.

“I’m sure glad the revolution is alive and well in Houston,” Ron Paul said to thousands of supporters as cheers echoed off the walls of Hofheinz Pavilion.

Hours before Paul’s speech, a line of supporters sporting their favorite Ron Paul T-shirts and buttons snaked around the block, eagerly waiting to hear the man of the hour make his case for liberty. People of all sorts and ages were in attendance, and the mood was lively to say the least.

As you may have expected, throughout his speech Paul carried the same tune he’s been singing since the start, and it seems like nothing is ever going to change that.

His consistency is truly impressive, and as far as I’m concerned, Paul demands and deserves respect, no matter what ideology you have.

It’s a shame that he doesn’t get the proper amount of attention, because while some of his ideas may be out there, a lot of what he says makes sense.

Thanks to a neglectful media, one of Paul’s biggest setbacks has been his inability to connect with undecided crowds that are already skeptical of him. The delivery of his speeches unfortunately doesn’t seem to match the power of his ideas, and for that reason, crowds that aren’t immediately moved by a rehearsed speech sprinkled with key persuasive words refuse to give Paul a shot.


1 comment:

  1. "Beneath this mask is more than flesh. Beneath this mask is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bullet proof"


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