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Sunday, May 20, 2012


Will you, or someone, please explain to me why "We the People" continue to put up with some of this mess???? I want to know what you think "We the People" can do...

Why do all these people in government get their salaries paid to them for the rest of their life, even if they only serve one term???

Why are they exempt from taxes, social security, etc?

Why do "We the People" continue to pay their health care?

If the government wants to cut some of the deficit in this world, let them have retirement just like the rest of us. Let them pay their own health care, co pays, medicines and such. Tell me what the difference between "We the People" paying for that or paying for Welfare?

Why do we have to continue to give money to countries that want nothing to do with us? The government need not try to make me believe that we don't have some of the resources right here in the United States.

Why do we continue to help people that have never worked a day in their life, in the United States, and can't take care of some of our wonderful seniors that have worked here since they were 12 and 13, and paid into Social Security all their lives???

Why do seniors that own their homes, have paid taxes all their lives, still have to pay such outrageous taxes on the money they saved for their retirement? Do these government people understand that they can pay above and beyond 500.00 a month just for medications? You know their Social Security isn't very much for a 70 or 80 + year old...

Another thing that bothers me is...when a senior looses their spouse, they loose that Social Security. They only get half of the deceased spouses retirement (if they are lucky). The bills don't go down. The price of food doesn't go down. Their medication prices don't go down...

We seem to forget that if it weren't for these seniors, we wouldn't be here.... Come on, why don't we take better care of them????

Sorry, I don't mean to get on this soap box but I get so tired of hearing some of this darn campaign mess, how this one did that and that one did this...I don't care. I don't care who sleeps with whom...that is between him and his wife. I don't care how many times they went to the bathroom or anything else...I want to know what they are going to do to help us..."We the People". And I don't want to just hear it, I want it to be followed through. I want US to be put first. After all, there wouldn't be any need for a President if there weren't and "We the People"!!!!

Thanks Joe,
Terri Dryden
Just a concerned citizen!!!


  1. I would like to be Dictator of this country for about 5 to 10 years I would clean up this mess. I know that not the way it is supposed to work but i think at this point it is the only thing that would work. I would do whats best for the people and the country, not myself. I would do it for free. We are know being ruled by a bunch of crooks and thieves that only care about themselves and right or wrong doing whatever it takes to be voted in office.

  2. Thank you President Lincon.

  3. We get what we have because we are so stupid that we keep re-electing the same people over and over again.

  4. "We the People" need to stand up and say enough is enough. That is the only way things will change. :We the People need to take back AMERICA!

  5. "We the people" do not exist anymore. The President is who the powers that be choose.


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