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Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Navy SEALs Are Hammering Obama For Taking Credit For Their Work

It's been a year to the day since President Obama announced the heroic mission of the Navy SEAL Team Six that killed Osama bin Laden. But Navy SEALs aren't taking too kindly to Obama reminding everyone about it in the past few days.

Surprise, surprise: Today is all about politics.

Current serving and ex-Navy SEALs spoke with The Daily Mail for a story published last night, and boy did they have a lot to say. A sampling: Some said the mission was a no-brainer for any president. Some accused Obama of taking credit for their work. Some said it was an attempt to use them as "ammunition" for his re-election campaign.



  1. I can assure you that morale accross the entire spectrum of our military is very low due to Obama and his general attitude towards them since day one. There are soldiers out there today who have refused to give Obama an opportunity to have them as his "guest of honor" at various events and if he had to count on the seals to protect him he'd better watch his back one of them might dose off. He is despised by the "boots on the ground" soldiers and it's only getting worse!

  2. Anon 10:53am

    Sure you can. I am sure you have a direct line in that regard...

    The President thanked and included everyone who got Osama. He did this privately and publicly. It is on the record.

    Seems some peoples hatred of the man has cause them to lose their short term memory.

  3. obama, who was told by the top general that we neeed thousands of more troops in Afghanistan waited a few weeks to even respond and then sent what?, half of what the military wanted? I'm SURE that made all the soldiers over there feel REALLY safe. The love and admiration that some people have for this man, despite his painfully obvious lack of skills and qualifications, also tends to obscure THEIR memory. The truth, no matter much you'd like to ridicule it, is the TRUTH. Most of the military doesn't really like obama. Consider THIS -- obama thinks waterboarding is "torture" and inhumane, but will send drones to blow up a house, KILLING everyone inside, including any women and children. Thats also with a trial, something he advocated for terrorists. obama is making it up as he goes; still learning how to be a president and a leader. And he's a slow learner...and Lord, he just gave the Chinese back a man who escaped "detention" and traveled hundreds of miles to get away from the Chinese. Yep, he is a beacon of freedom to the world.

  4. Obama is a Black Panther Punk!

  5. 11:26-

    It's not hatred of Obama and has nothing to do with him thanking those who actually planned and executed the mission.

    He is trying to hog their accomplishment with his crap like "I got OSB" as if he were with them in that compound.

    And what about how we got some of the intelligence to locate the man and the place where he was hiding -- by waterboarding -- which Obama whined about for years.

    Obama is an arrogant disgrace to the Country.

  6. I have family in one of the largest Army bases in the country and I can assure you that 90% or better hate the man. He sure as hell is clueless.

  7. Obama is an Illegal Alien. He needs to be charged as a criminal.


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