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Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Md. AG Files to Halt DNA Collection Decision

ANNAPOLIS, Md. - Maryland's attorney general wants to keep a state law that allows police to collect DNA from people charged with a violent crime, burglary or attempts to commit those crimes.

Attorney General Doug Gansler filed a motion Tuesday to stay the Maryland Court of Appeals decision striking down the measure.

Gansler said he would file an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court if the state court does not reconsider its decision.

"We're not optimistic that they're going to change their ruling," he said.


1 comment:

  1. The key word (often overlooked or ignored by the heel clicking Nazi lovers who think EVERYTING the government does is okay, as long as they don't do it to THEM) is "charged". NOT guilty. Just charged. You are currently FORCED-- thats right- FORCED to give a DNA sample and you haven't even had a trial yet. Like the hundreds of photographs of millions of (innocent of any crime) citizens stored now in a multitude of different government computers, the government also wants a collection of as much DNA as they can get. I say the court is right. Wait til a citizen is found GUILTY of something BEFORE you force said citizen to submit to a search with no basis other than "we want it".


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