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Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Fox News Anchor Declares Obama is Eligible

Prominent Fox News Channel anchor Bret Baier has posted an explanation on the network’s website of why he believes Barack Obama is eligible to be president.

“Here’s the deal,” wrote Baier, host of “Special Report with Bret Baier.” “The Constitution requires that the president be a ‘natural born citizen,’ but does not define the term. That job is left to federal law, in 8 U.S. Code, Section 1401. All the law requires is that the mother be an American citizen who has lived in the U.S. for five years or more, at least two of those years after the age of 14. If the mother fits those criteria, the child is a U.S. citizen at birth, regardless of the father’s nationality.”

However, Harvard-educated Jerome Corsi, author of Where’s the Birth Certificate? says Baier isn’t quite on track yet.

“Baier incorrectly interprets that 8 USC Section 1401 was written to define ‘natural born citizen,’ as specified in Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution,” he said. “The purpose of 8 USC Section 1401 is to define ‘nationals’ and ‘citizens’ of the United States ‘at birth.’”



  1. But when the child is a citizen of another country his argument goes out the window.

  2. GO READ de Vatel - French writer. some of his writings were used to help write out constition. there is a supreme court case on this Natural Born citizen. Natural born is a child of 2 CITIZENS, not 1 citizen and 1 alien (baracks dad). the purpose of this is so an English lord could not come over here, have a child with an american woman and have that child become president and have loyalties to England. DUH. real simple. HE DOES NOT QUALIFY, birth certificate or NOT.

  3. Brett is mistaken, and the guy's only paper certificate is not from the United States. Other than that, Obama is still an illegal POTUS. Vote reality this November.


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