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Wednesday, May 02, 2012

FBI: 5 Men Charged in Ohio Bridge Bomb Plot

Five men described by federal authorities as anarchists angry with corporate America and the government were charged Tuesday with plotting to bomb an Ohio bridge linking two wealthy Cleveland suburbs.

The men were arrested Monday night after unknowingly working with an FBI informant for months, a strategy that federal investigators have used repeatedly in recent years to nab alleged terrorists.

"They talked about making a statement against corporate America and the government as some of the motivations for their actions," U.S. Attorney Steven Dettelbach said in announcing the arrests with the head of the FBI in Cleveland, Stephen Anthony.



  1. Oh C'Mon, it is Occupy Wall Street expressing themselves.

  2. what a motley crue

  3. “I say, God bless them” – Nancy Pelosi

  4. They look like outstanding young men, real credits to their community! They are lucky to live in this country. If they lived in Cuba or other such elevated societies they would be in shallow graves by now for crimes against the revolution. May they never see their trailer parks again.

  5. I think I recognize the guy on the top left - isn't that Edward Scissorhands.

  6. Maybe they should occupy jobs instead of blowing up bridges. I wonder if NPR will call them heroes for their commitment to such a noble cause. You know how to piss off a liberal - work hard and be happy...

  7. They all look like tweekers.

  8. wait... you mean they aren't middle eastern? you mean to tell me that there are people from our own country, WHITE PEOPLE, no less, that are terrorizing us? wait till the government finds out about this. perhaps they'll make our military occupy our own country next...

  9. Took the words out of my mouth, Cathy. They don't look muslim to me. How can this be possible????

  10. Have to be SU students right ?

  11. 11:26
    Grow up! I'm sick of seeing the whining.

  12. 10:36/Cathy I know it is shocking because most of the time the terrorists are Muslim.

  13. HEY DUDE, lets skip class today!May 2, 2012 at 12:43 PM

    Ha, you are right. They look like Salisbury State Students that walk out in front of vehicles all the time on Camden Avenue and Route 13.
    Guess they got bored with their pot smoking professors who bash Conservatives!

  14. Bill Ayres would be proud!

  15. Why didn't they just move to a wonderful country such as North Korea or Cuba where there is no such thing as private corporations or civil rights, or freedom of speech, or food, or... I wonder if they will protest while being sodomized in prison.

  16. Why dont they ask the students who were camping near Iran when they captured them and see how nice it is over there.

  17. I have to ask, whats wrong with profiling? Just look at these guys!


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