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Friday, April 27, 2012

Surprise Military Homecoming

"Where to begin... My husband, MSG Joseph D. (U.S. Army) returned last Thursday, March 15, 2012 after serving one year in Afghanistan. We have 2 of our 3 children still living at home with us and, as you can imagine, a deployment hits kids the hardest. This year has been painful beyond words, and the worst part has been holding my kids as they cry themselves to sleep at night, missing their most amazing daddy. My kids are heroes, just like their dad!

Anyway, after our 7-year-old son greeted his dad at the airport, we had a different kind of surprise in store for our amazing 18-year-old daughter, who is a senior in high school. She is the captain of her speech team and, after having just completed her 10-minute speech, we had her daddy come on stage to surprise her! She is daddy's only little girl, always will be, and boy did it show. We are all really just starting to be whole again after being without our #1 guy this last year. I hope you enjoy the video and my less than stellar recording ability! :-)" -Submitted by Kathryn D. on March 19th, 2012


  1. Okay...... my eyes are leaking.....

    Thanks, Joe. I get the same tears every time I see my daughter

    Craig Theobald

  2. EVERY dog - master reunion posted on here has been more touching.

  3. 8:55 those are touching, but that's a pretty heartless thing to say.

    You can't compare the significance of the moment to the quality of a video done indoors in constrained conditions vs. outdoors in easy conditions. As soon as that girl realized what was going on and reacted, I knew her heart.

    Too bad you left yours far from your keyboard.

    Be happy for the family, man.


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