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Thursday, April 19, 2012

President Obama's Gone From Hope and Change to Blame and Shame

Oh, to be a fly on the wall as President Obama gathered his human props for yet another attempt to find a scapegoat for America’s problems. With the twin scandals of the General Services Administration and the Secret Service exploding all around him, Obama summoned Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, Attorney General Eric Holder and others for an attack on phantom oil “speculators,” who, he insisted, are driving up prices at the pump.

Before they marched to the Rose Garden like tin soldiers, did his aides express reluctance about the “crackdown?” Were they embarrassed at being used in a naked political stunt?

Probably not.

He doesn’t like dissent. Besides, there’s no time for scruples when a few voters can still be fooled into thinking the president has an energy policy, a tax policy and an economic plan.


  1. "Gone From Hope and Change to Blame and Shame"

    I know how that feels.

  2. A few? try all Americans but me are fooled by his shenanigans... Which is why they think they are entitled to not working and suck money from me...

    Which is why, black people only voted because Obama was black... They only voted for him because they want free money...

    Soon wee all will be slaves or beyond help even with money so soon you sucking days are numbered...

    What are you going to do when people stop working because they can be self sufficient and there is no money for you to suck on whilst you don't work or better yourself? you will be the first to die of hungry that's what...

  3. If people don't work, there's no tax money going to the feds to spend. And the baby boomers are already retiring. See what the Dems come up with next! Hopefully, voters will wise up and vote the power hungry politicians out of office and elect outsiders who aren't ambitious to stay in Washington or Annapolis for more than a term or two.


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