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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fox News Poll: 45 Percent Approve of Obama, as 83 Percent Say Country Still in Recession

President Barack Obama’s job approval rating remains in negative territory -- unwelcome news for an incumbent running for re-election.  Even so, the president’s regained some ground from earlier this month.
While 45 percent of American voters approve of the president’s performance, a 51-percent majority disapproves, according to a Fox News poll released Wednesday.  That’s a bit of an improvement from two weeks ago when 42 percent approved and 51 percent disapproved (April 9-11).

One reason the president’s job approval suffers: 83 percent of voters think the country is still in a recession -- including 35 percent who think things could get worse.  That’s little changed from a year ago, when 82 percent thought the country was still in a recession (with 38 percent saying things could get worse).

Overall, 15 percent of voters believe the recession is over.  That’s mostly unchanged from 16 percent last year (April 2011).


  1. it's hard for me to understand why his numbers are even that high. this has be the worst president in every area that i can remember in my lifetime...

  2. Exactly!!! Why don't these people who are approving his actions actually see what he is doing and trying to do??? They will have "egg on their faces" if he gets elected again.

  3. Thats because 99.9% of polls are skewed, purposely, with an agenda. In this case to instill more fear and increase votes for Romney...instead of doing the right thing and voting for Ron Paul....

  4. There have become too many who want something for nothing. ie %47
    Pretty scarey. What are they going to do when they can't suck anymore from the rest of us?

  5. 11:02 if the economy is the #1 issue (which I agree) the public is faced with the choice of one party that produced an average 0.21% job growth over 8 years and another party that has failed to pull us out of the duldrums fast enough to meet the needs of many in the working class. But at the same time many of those same folks soak up any and all the shoddy talking points, attack ads, and half-baked strategies each side spews. So no, don't be surprised that those numbers remain in the 40's.

  6. I died in 1761 but still can voteApril 27, 2012 at 9:03 AM

    They forgot to poll the illegals and the DEAD people who register to vote through Acorn.

  7. We ARE still in a recession, and it is getting worse. The only ones who think we are not are the ones who are getting Government income. The polls should be changed to show the difference in opinions of the people who 'earn' a living as opposed to those who receive government money.

  8. 7:35, a vote for paul is a vote for obama. i know you must get that.

    we can't take obama for another 4. it will be curtains for U.S.


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